Module for enabling two-factor authentication (2FA) using - tykeal/puppet-totpcgi
pip install 'open2fa[dev]' Configuration Environment Variables: OPEN2FA_DIR: The directory where TOTP secrets and the Open2FA UUID are stored. Defaults to .open2fa in the user's home directory. OPEN2FA_API_URL: The URL of the Open2FA API instance to use. Defaults to https://open2fa.lib...
As mentioned previously, we’re going to deploy a Single Node OpenShift instance using theAssisted Installerfor OpenShift 4.9.19 on a bare metal host. In this particular case, we’re going to use a single machine, but this blog can be followed for other topologies, like full-scale producti...
Prodotti e versioni interessati Adobe Commerce sull’infrastruttura cloud 2.2.x, 2.3.x Problema Nella pagina Fastly Configuration, accanto al frammento di I/O Fastly, viene visualizzato lo stato Corrente: _disabilitato _con il seguente messaggio sottostante: ...