Enabled meaning in Chinese. Here you learn English to Chinese translation / English to Chinese dictionary of the word Enabled and also play quiz in Chinese words starting with E also play A-Z dictionary quiz. To learn Chinese language, common vocabulary
ITES are remote services or web-enabled services. ITES includes a wide range of approaches and processes that use IT to enhance and increase an organization’s efficiency. India claimed to be the most prestigious companies in the world for outsourcing ITES (Information Technology Enabled Services)....
On a typical farm, IoT sensors and UAVs produce millions of data points in a single day, accumulating a large volume of data, also referred to as big data [8,9]. In most cases, this big data will be transferred into the cloud, and AI will be used to infer the meaning of this ...
Time dependencies: The layers in a hierarchical DT may have time dependencies, meaning changes in one layer can affect the models and data in other layers. It is important to manage these dependencies to ensure consistency and accuracy throughout the system. Synchronization mechanisms need to be ...