I am setting up a Windows 10 Kiosk that will only be used as an AV airgap workstation. I have restricted it down to the user only being able to run McAfee Endpoint Security and Windows Explorer (with limited folder access) I want the user to be able to right click a usb drive...
1、首先在本站下载解压,得到enable right click.crx文件; 2、首先打开浏览器点击设置>工具>管理扩展打开扩展程序页面,或者地址栏输入 Chrome://extensions/ 按下回车打开扩展程序页面; 3、将文件夹直接移动到扩展程序界面中,并点击添加; 4、现在你就可以在你浏览器的右上角看到如下图所示的图标了; ...
但我们在工作时使用电脑查询资料时 遇到网页被锁右键或反白时,就会深深的觉得各种不便利 这时你只要安装浏览器外挂元件 Absolute Enable Right Click & Copy 就可以解决这个问题 开始之前,必需严正声明 解开右键锁、解开反白不是方便你盗版用的!!! 请依底下的浏览器分类,点连结前往安装此外挂元件 下载方式找我 使用...
Windows 11 is a major OS update over Windows 10 andfocuses mainly on UI changes. Some users did embrace the UI overhauling, while some are not happy because of the various glitches present in Windows 11. One such annoying issue seems to be the Windows 11 Right Click menu aka, the Context...
Right-click on theStartmenu and selectDevice Manager. In theDevice Managerwindow that opens, select the arrow next toHuman Interface Devicesto expand it. UnderHuman Interface Devices, right-click onHID-compliant touch screenand select eitherEnable deviceorDisable devicedepending o...
⚠️ 需要 1 个密码 Mac 或 Windows 应用程序: https://1password.com/downloads/ 如果您的 Mac 或 Windows PC 上有 1 个密码,请安装此扩展以填充、保存并在 Google Chrome 中生成密码。了解更多信息: 如果你没有使用 1 密码桌面应用程序,https://support.1password.com/ ...
Use the following steps to enable and disable your touchscreen: Press Windows key + X. SelectDevice Manager. Find HID-Compliant touchscreen underHuman Interface Devices. Right-click the device name and selectDisableorEnable.
Can not Enable Device Portal on Windows 10 Pro Ver 1803 (OS Build 17134.472) Can not open Powerpoint file on file server by double click, but can open it by right click then select Open can not remove drives from storage spaces after pool has been removed can only access administrative sha...
Way 1. Enable Remote Desktop Windows 10/11 with CMD Check out the two steps on how to allow remote access on Windows 10 and 11 with CMD. Step 1. In the Search box, input "cmd", right-click the result, and choose "Run as administrator". Step 2. In the Command Prompt window, ty...
ExpandFoundation, and right-clickMicrosoft-Windows-Foundation-Package. ClickAdd to Answer File. ClickEnabledorDisablednext to the features that you intend to enable or disable. Click the arrow to select the opposite choice. You might have to expand an item to see all its children. Y...