Launch Terminal and enter the following command, using the administrator password when requested: sudo nano /etc/apache2/httpd.conf Now hit Control+W to use the search feature of nano, and type in “php” Locate the following line and remove the comment (#) from the beginning: LoadModule ph...
You must enable the dl() function, more at Warning: This function was removed from most SAPIs in PHP 5.3.0 Now, instead, INI file extension loading should be used, more at Part of PHP Sh...
Step 2 For Windows users using Apache Server To point to the directory of dll extensions, put this line before the extension list,extension_dir = “ext”. Search forextension=php_ldap.dllin php.ini file. Uncomment this line, if not present then add this line in the file and save the ...
1. Locate thephp.inifile. The path to the file varies based on thePHP version, server type, andLinux distribution. Look for the file in the PHP installationdirectory, within the PHP version and server typesubdirectory. For example, the defaultphp.inipath for PHP 8.1 running on anApacheserver...
Method 7: Enable PHP Error Logging Through the Web Server Configuration Depending on your web server configuration, you can enable PHP error logging through server settings. For example, you can add these directives to the httpd.conf file in Apache: ...
你可以通过运行以下命令来查找php.ini文件的位置: shell php --ini 该命令将显示PHP的配置文件路径,通常php.ini文件位于/etc/php/7.x/apache2/php.ini或/etc/php/7.x/cli/php.ini(根据你的PHP版本和服务器配置可能有所不同)。 打开php.ini文件进行编辑: 使用你喜欢的文本编辑器打开php.ini文件。例如,...
Apache Unable to find the wrapper "https" - did you forget to enable it when you configured PHP? 问题解决办法: 打开配置文件 php.ini , 如图: 搜索sll ,找到;extension=php_openssl.dll, 将;删除,解决!!... 查看原文 Unable to find the wrapper ”https” - did youforget to enable it when ...
sed -i "/^# start: Apache specific settings$/,/^# end: Apache specific settings$/d" "$variant/" sed -i "/^\s*# start: Apache specific build$/,/^\s*# end: Apache specific build$/d" "$variant/Dockerfile" fi # Copy
2. Locate the section labeled<Directory /var/www>. In that section, change theAllowOverride Noneentry to: AllowOverride AllCopy 3. Save the file and exit. 4.Restart the Apache servicefor the changes to take effect: sudo systemctl apache2 restartCopy ...
PHP; please check' echo 'the output of "php -i" to see which modules are already loaded.' } opts="$(getopt -o 'h?' --long 'help,ini-name:' -- "$@" || { usage >&2 && false; })" eval set -- "$opts" iniName= while true; do flag="$1" shift case "$flag" in --...