Set-CMTSStepOfflineEnableBitLocker [-Disk <Int32>] [-Drive <String>] [-EnableSkipWhenTpmInvalid <Boolean>] [-EncryptionMethod <DiskEncryptionMethod>] [-NextPartition] [-Partition <Int32>] [-VariableName <String>] [-AddCondition <IResultObject[]>] [-ClearCondition] [-Description <String>]...
此示例首先获取 $tsOsd 变量中的任务序列对象。 然后,它将该变量作为输入对象传递,以删除 “启用 BitLocker” 步骤。PowerShell 复制 $tsNameOsd = "Default OS deployment" $tsOsd = Get-CMTaskSequence -Name $tsNameOsd -Fast $tsStepNameEnableBitLocker = "Enable BitLocker" Remove-CMTSStepEnable...
這個範例會先取得 $tsOsd 變數中的工作順序物件。 然後,它會將該變數傳遞為輸入物件,以移除 [啟用 BitLocker] 步驟。PowerShell 複製 $tsNameOsd = "Default OS deployment" $tsOsd = Get-CMTaskSequence -Name $tsNameOsd -Fast $tsStepNameEnableBitLocker = "Enable BitLocker" Remove-CMTSStepEnable...
$tsNameOsd = "Default OS deployment" $tsStepNamePreProvBitLocker = "Pre-provision BitLocker" Set-CMTSStepOfflineEnableBitLocker -TaskSequenceName $tsNameOsd -StepName $tsStepNamePreProvBitLocker -Disk 1 -Partition 2 -VariableName "BitLockerDrive"Parameter...
globals.d.ts move files (gradio-app#3605) Mar 28, 2023 package.json ci typo (gradio-app#4190) May 13, 2023 pnpm-lock.yaml Enable offline usage for gradio May 19, 2023 pnpm-workspace.yaml move files (gradio-app#3605) Mar 28, 2023 ...
Take a peer offline Use maintenance mode Restart the entire indexer cluster or a single peer node Perform a rolling restart of an indexer cluster Rebalance the indexer cluster Remove excess bucket copies from the indexer cluster Put a peer into detention Remove a peer from the manager...
Take a peer offline Use maintenance mode Restart the entire indexer cluster or a single peer node Perform a rolling restart of an indexer cluster Rebalance the indexer cluster Remove excess bucket copies from the indexer cluster Put a peer into detention Remove a peer from the manager...
How do I add parameters to a URL when the Web component uses rawFile to load offline HTML files? How do I use the alert function of H5 in the WebView? Does HarmonyOS support independent upgrade of the Web kernel? Whether the third-party WebView kernel is supported? How do I us...
How do I add parameters to a URL when the Web component uses rawFile to load offline HTML files? How do I use the alert function of H5 in the WebView? Does HarmonyOS support independent upgrade of the Web kernel? Whether the third-party WebView kernel is supported? How do I us...
We can discuss this more offline, and I'm looking into this now. pkg/ccl/changefeedccl/changefeedbase/settings.go Outdated var Quantize = settings.RegisterDurationSettingWithExplicitUnit( settings.ApplicationLevel, "", Collaborator andyyang890 Jan 6, ...