Enable_changing_lock_screen_background.reg Download Code: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Personalization] "NoChangingLockScreen"=- 3Disable Changing Lock Screen Background for All Users ...
We will start with a Registry tweak that will allow to automatically turn it on every time you start your computer. So when it reaches the sign-in screen, the keypad will allow entering numbers. In Windows 11 and Windows 10 do the following. Always Enable NumLock on Startup PressWin+Rto...
To disable the screen lock policy, create a domain security group (grp not-lock-prod) and add users to it. In the applicable GPO area (User Configuration -> Preferences -> Windows Settings -> Registry), create the registry parameters specified above. Set the policy not to apply for the ...
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon Tip: How to jump to the desired registry key with one click Here, create or modify the 32-bit DWORD value named "EnableGoodbye" and set it to 1. This will enable the Dynamic Lock feature in Windows 10. To disable Dyna...
Get-CMTSStepCaptureWindowsSettings Get-CMTSStepConditionFile Get-CMTSStepConditionFolder Get-CMTSStepConditionIfStatement Get-CMTSStepConditionOperatingSystem Get-CMTSStepConditionQueryWmi Get-CMTSStepConditionRegistry Get-CMTSStepConditionSoftware Get-CMTSStepConditionVariable Get-CMTSStepConnectNetworkFolder Get-CM...
Get-CMTSStepCaptureWindowsSettings Get-CMTSStepConditionFile Get-CMTSStepConditionFolder Get-CMTSStepConditionIfStatement Get-CMTSStepConditionOperatingSystem Get-CMTSStepConditionQueryWmi Get-CMTSStepConditionRegistry Get-CMTSStepConditionSoftware Get-CMTSStepConditionVariable Get-CMTSStepConnectNetworkFolder Get-CM...
Get-CMTSStepCaptureWindowsSettings Get-CMTSStepConditionFile Get-CMTSStepConditionFolder Get-CMTSStepConditionIfStatement Get-CMTSStepConditionOperatingSystem Get-CMTSStepConditionQueryWmi Get-CMTSStepConditionRegistry Get-CMTSStepConditionSoftware Get-CMTSStepConditionVariable Get-CMTSStepConnectNetworkFolder Get-CM...
Is your Windows PC working far slower than you are used to? It’s normal for your PC to lose performance over time. But you don’t need to wait to upgrade to the next model to make Windows 10 faster. There are several ways to speed up Windows 10 and significantly improve… ...
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\Credential Providers\{BEC09223-B018-416D-A0AC-523971B639F5}] "Disabled"=- 3Disable Fingerprint Sign-in Option A) Click/tap on the Download button below to download the file below, and...
Enable Core Isolation Memory Integrity via Registry Editor Another method to enable Core Isolation is usingRegistry Editor. It is more complicated than using Windows Security but if that method can’t work, you can go to try this one.