Plus, configuring dual stacking on a Cisco router is amazingly easy—all you have to do is enable IPv6 forwarding and apply an address to the interfaces already configured with IPv4. It will look something like this: Router(config)#ipv6 unicast-routing Router(config)#interface fastethernet 0/...
I have configured HP 4800G switch with multiple Vlan's now i want to access PC which is connected another VLAN on same switch for this i need to configure or enable ip routing. How can i enable ip routing on switch to access the system in different VLAN's. Just in cisco we only nee...
I'm simply trying to enable routing on a 4331 router. The router can see the internet, and devices internal to the router can see the router; however, devices internal to the router cannot see the internet. I presently have this turned off, but have already tried adding "ip nat inside ...
因此我提议,对 Cisco架构不是很理解的,请尝试用POST/PRE ROUTING来理解inside和outside。但是本小节想做的就是阐明使用inside和outside是合理的。 对于NAT来讲,转换的是IP地址,而IP地址可以分为Global地址以及Local地址,前者是公网可路由的地址,后者是私有地址。从inside域 到outside域,需要将所有的Local地址转换为...
A.启动组播路由协议[Quidway]multicast routing-enable B.在每个VLAN虚接口上配置PIM-SM[Quidway]pim sm vlan-interface 10 C.配置候选BSR[Quidway-pim]c-bsrvlan-interface 10 24 2 D.配置候选RP[Quidway-pim]c-rpvlan-interface 10 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目: Cisco路由器从用户模式进入到特权模式使用()...
Hello all--I have an IPv6 enable question. I have a lab with a Cisco 2800 router. I recently upgraded the IOS to v15.1(4)M10. I want to enable IPv6 in order to practice configuring a dual-stack, but the router seems to have other ideas. It doesn't seem to recognize "ipv6" as...
C.startip routeD.ip routing 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目: [单选题] [单选] 将IDEHDDBlockMode设置为Enable有可能会()。A.硬盘数据传输速度变慢B.硬盘与其他设备发生冲突C.软驱不能用D.无任何变化。 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目: [单选题] [单选] 以下命令中哪一个命令是配置Cisco 1900系列交换机特权...
因此我提议,对 Cisco架构不是很理解的,请尝试用POST/PRE ROUTING来理解inside和outside。但是本小节想做的就是阐明使用inside和outside是合理的。 ??? 对于NAT来讲,转换的是IP地址,而IP地址可以分为Global地址以及Local地址,前者是公网可路由的地址,后者是私有地址。从inside域 到outside域,需要将所有的Local地址...
MHM 0 Helpful Reply johnlloyd_13 Level 9 In response to MHM Cisco World 10-04-2024 05:11 PM hi, i'm using fortigate in this case not ASA FW. different vendors implement/behave differently, i.e. BGP/routing protocols. 0 Helpful Reply 1 2 Learn...
of theLoad the IPsec-VPN configuration to a Cisco firewall devicetopic. After the IPsec-VPN connection is created, routes are automatically advertised based on BGP dynamic routing. After you advertise the CIDR block of the data center by using BGP dynamic routing on the gateway...