To enable the ability to support enrollment of mobile devices, the MDM Authority must be set within the Intune configuration. This is located in the Device Enrollment section of the Microsoft Intune – Overview dashboard in the portal. The default is set to None, which means the MDM i...
Licensed administrators will continue to function as-is in that transitive memberships apply and are not subject to the 350 member limit. Syntax PowerShell 复制 Enable-MgBetaDeviceManagementUnlicensedAdminstrator [-ResponseHeadersVariable <String>] [-Headers <IDictionary>] [-Pass...
POST Content-type: application/json Content-length: 22 { "enable": true } 响应 下面是一个响应示例。 注意:为简洁起见,可能会截断此处显示的响应对象。 将从实际调用中返回所有属性。 HTTP 复制 HTTP/1.1 204 No Content 反馈...
启用后,通过角色分配成员身份分配为管理员的用户不再需要分配Intune许可证。 角色分配中每个 AAD 安全组最多只能有 350 个未授权直接成员,但如果需要支持 350 个以上的未授权管理员,则可以将多个 AAD 安全组分配给一个角色。 许可的管理员将继续按原样运行,因为可传递成员身份适用且不受 350 成员限制的约束。
Intune is basically a cloud-based mobile device including OS management solution. This flexible remote device and app authority controls the number of devices which are in use for different employees in a single institution protecting the confidential data. Both the Windows-enabled PCs and Mobiles ...
In this post, we will walk through the steps to configure the Microsoft Teams PTT functionality for Intune-managed Samsung XCover Pro devices in Microsoft Endpoint Manager. Set up device management in Intune First, we need to and set up a device group for Sams...
Enable WinRM through Intune Hello everybody, I'm trying to enable WinRM to remotely manage our devices, when onprem. Therefore i tried to add a custom profile with the following OMA-URI: ./Device/Vendor/MSFT/Policy/Config/RemoteManagement/AllowRemoteServerManagement...
Device is able to receive the management policy. MDM is capable of pushing the management policy to devices. (The minimum version for popular MDM providers that support the solution in this article are: InTune: 5.0.5565, AirWatch: 8.2, Mobile Iron...
Device is able to receive the management policy. MDM is capable of pushing the management policy to devices. (The minimum version for popular MDM providers that support the solution in this article are: InTune: 5.0.5565, AirWatch: 8.2, Mobile Iron: 9.0.) ...
Use multi-factor authentication in Microsoft Intune Learn how you canprepare your in-house appsto be managed by Intune mobile application management policies. Learn how to configure app restrictionsthat let you improve the security of your data by restricting operations such as copy and paste, ext...