curl -u admin -v -X PUT -d "" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:7990/rest/api/latest/logs/logger/ # e.g. email debug log curl -u admin -v -X PUT -d "" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhos...
ENABLE_CURLDEBUG=OFF with ENABLE_DEBUG=ON #1539 Sign in to view logs Summary Jobs linux (cmake) Run details Usage Workflow file Triggered via pull request May 27, 2024 15:15 vszakats synchronize #13792 vszakats:cmake-allow-disabling-curldebug-with-debugbuild Status Success Total...
disabled_plugins = ["cri"] #root = "/var/lib/containerd" #state = "/run/containerd" #subreaper = true #oom_score = 0 #[grpc] # address = "/run/containerd/containerd.sock" # uid = 0 # gid = 0 #[debug] # address = "/run/containerd/debug.sock" # uid = 0 # gid = 0 # ...
curl-for-win on: pull_request 1 linux-musl-llvm mac-clang win-llvm windows on: pull_request 1 cygwin (automake, x86_64, --enable-debug --disable-threaded-resolver) cygwin (cmake, x86_64, -DCURL_USE_OPENSSL=ON) msys2 (autotools, msys, x86_64, --enable-debug --disable-...
SOL功能开关,仅当Debug Mode选项设置为Enable时,才会出现该选项。开启该功能后,您可以在Linux操作系统下,通过“curl http://HDM IP地址/cgi/download_cpsol.cgi | tr -d '\000' > sol.txt”命令从服务器下载BIOS串口日志。 · HDM IP地址:服务器HDM共享网口或HDM专用网口的IP地址 · sol.txt:下载后的BIOS...
debug_backtrace debug_print_backtrace error_clear_last error_get_last error_log error_reporting restore_error_handler restore_exception_handler set_error_handler set_exception_handler trigger_error user_error Exif exif_imagetype exif_read_data exif_tagname exif_thumbnail Fileinfo finfo_buffer finfo_clo...
wx.setEnableDebug(Object object) 设置是否打开调试开关。此开关对正式版也能生效。 参数 Object object Tips 在正式版打开调试还有一种方法,就是先在开发版或体验版打开调试,再切到正式版就能看到vConsole。 index.js wx.getLogManager(Object object) 获取日志管理器对象。 参数 Object object 返... 查看原文 ...
For VS2017 it is sufficient to rename yasm-<version>-<arch>.exe to yasm.exe and place it in: Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2017/<level>/Common7/Tools/ [3]: [4]: [5]: [6]: http://www.microbrew...
I was using a lot of OutputDebugString() API in legacy code using Visual C++ 6.0 to 2015 on OS from W95 to W10.Right now, it seems that OutputDebugString() is not working anymore in recent builds of VS2017.On W7 and later, I had to make some tricks with registry (adding a ...
I was using a lot of OutputDebugString() API in legacy code using Visual C++ 6.0 to 2015 on OS from W95 to W10. Right now, it seems that OutputDebugString() is not working anymore in recent builds of VS2017.On W7 and later, I had to make some tricks with registry (adding a defa...