# Toggle (disable or enable) Auto Save in VS Code To enable or disable auto save in VS Code: Press Ctrl + Shift + P (or Command + Shift + P on macOS). Note: you can also press F1 to open the Command Palette. Type user settings and select Preferences: Open User Settings.You...
However, when I open my previous C++ project written in Visual Studio 2008, it came to me that it still can't auto complete the function name/ variable name, and I have to press Ctrl + K,W myself!!!How can I enable auto complete when coding in C/C++ in Visual Studio 2010...
What is Auto-Configuration in Spring Boot? If you don't know, Spring Boot aims to simplify Java development with the Spring framework. Currently, Spring does a lot for you, but in return, it also asks a lot from you in terms of configuration and dependency management, Spr...
cmdidZoomIn cmdidZoomOut cmdidZoomPercent ECMD_SHOWALLFILES IDM_DEBUGGER_CONTEXT_MENUS IDM_VS_CTXT_CODEWIN msotcidAlignWellMenu msotcidArrangeWellMenu msotcidBookmarkWellMenu msotcidCenterWellMenu msotcidCommandBars msotcidDebugMenuVB msotcidDebugPopWellMenu msotcidDebugWellMenu m...
The Config Portal is auto-adjusted to fix the 4 static parameters (WiFi SSIDs/PWDs) as well as 6 more dynamic custom parameters. After the custom data entered, and Save button pressed, the configuration data will be saved in host's non-volatile memory, then the board reboots. If there...
Enable-CMSoftwareUpdateAutoDeploymentRule Enable-CMStatusFilterRule Enable-CMTaskSequence Export-CMAntimalwarePolicy Export-CMApplication Export-CMBaseline Export-CMCollection Export-CMConfigurationItem Export-CMDriverPackage Export-CMPackage Export-CMQuery Export-CMSecurityRole Export-CMTaskSequence Get-CMAADApp...
Pull request in esphome-docs with documentation (if applicable): N/A Test VS devcontainer Tested locally with dev container: Ran negative test with flake8/pylint by editing config and confirming errors/warnings show up (screenshots below). Tested black auto format on save (video below). black_...
AllowOpenInDraftView AllowPixelUnits AllowReadingMode AlwaysUseClearType AnimateScreenMovements Application ApplyFarEastFontsToAscii ArabicMode ArabicNumeral AutoCreateNewDrawings AutoFormatApplyBulletedLists AutoFormatApplyFirstIndents AutoFormatApplyHeadings AutoFormatApplyLists AutoFormatApplyOtherParas AutoFormatAs...
In diesem Beispiel wird das Cmdlet Get-CMSiteFeature verwendet, um das Feature Tasksequenzdebugger abzurufen. Anschließend wird dieses Objekt durch die Pipeline übergeben, um es zu aktivieren.PowerShell Kopie Get-CMSiteFeature -Fast -Name "Task Sequence Debugger" | Enable-CMSiteFeature...
View a contact record in the Amazon Connect console Agent status in the Contact Control Panel (CCP) About contact states in Amazon Connect About queued callbacks Scheduled vs In queue Failed callback attempts Example: Metrics for a queued callback Save custom reports in Amazon Connect Share saved...