ob_enable_sql_audit 更新时间:2024-06-29 23:00:00 分享 ob_enable_sql_audit 用于控制当前租户是否开启 SQL Audit 功能。 属性描述 参数类型 bool 默认值 true 取值范围 true:表示开启 false:表示关闭 生效范围 GLOBAL 是否参与序列化 是 enable_sql_audit 为 false 时,全部的租户均不会开启 sql audit 功...
ob_enable_sql_audit 更新时间:2024-07-11 00:04:57 编辑 分享 ob_enable_sql_audit 用于控制当前租户是否开启 SQL Audit 功能。 属性描述 参数类型 bool 默认值 true 取值范围 true:表示开启 false:表示关闭 生效范围 GLOBAL 是否参与序列化 是 enable_sql_audit 为 false 时,全部的租户均不会开启 sql audi...
Message Type定义为20,000,Category为Database,Table Or Description为po,Fields为vend_num: 给PO的vend_num进行审核,用户在操作PO时,删除,添加或是编辑,更新时,都会进行log审核。 接下来,我们验证audit log产生的情况:
Audit-Bericht Berichte und Datenexporte Erweiterte Vereinbarungsfunktionen und Workflows Webformulare Wiederverwendbare Vorlagen Übertragen des Eigentums an Webformularen und Bibliotheksvorlagen Power Automate-Workflows Selbstdefinierte Sende-Workflows Freigeben von Benutzenden und Vereinbarunge...
OceanBase Common Edition Documentation,enable_sql_audit,provides guides,examples,and reference material you need to use OceanBase Database
Choose which rules will block or audit actions and selectNext. Review the settings and selectNextto create the policy. After the policy is created, selectClose. Warning There is a known issue with the applicability of attack surface reduction on Server OS versions which is marked as...
PostgreSQL中对应的语法在alter table中,因为触发器与表相关,这样设计语法也符合逻辑的。 https://www.postgresql.org/docs/devel/static/sql-altertable.html ALTERTABLE[ IFEXISTS] [ONLY] name [*] action [, ... ] DISABLETRIGGER[ trigger_name|ALL|USER] ...
For more information on how to work with diagnostic logs, refer to the Azure Resource Log documentation.Audit log detailsAt this time, the Azure API for FHIR service returns the following fields in the audit log.Expand table Field NameTypeNotes CallerIdentity Dynamic A generic property bag ...
6If present, Kernel-mode Hardware-enforced Stack Protection is configured in Audit mode. 7If present, Hypervisor-Enforced Paging Translation is configured. SecurityServicesRunning: This field indicates whether Credential Guard or memory integrity is running. ...
join pg_class c on c.relnamespace = n.oid and c.relhastriggers = true where n.nspname = nsp loop execute format('alter table %I %s trigger all', r.relname, act); end loop; end; $$ language plpgsql; If you want to disable all triggers with certain trigger function it could ...