cache-sa-enable display default-parameter msdp display msdp brief display msdp control-message counters display msdp invalid-packet display msdp peer-status display msdp rpf-peer display msdp sa-cache display msdp sa-count encap-data-enable import-source msdp originating-rp peer connect-interface (MS...
This, however, will cause a delay in joining the source's SPT. To minimize the delay, enable the function of immediately sending SA Request messages on the local RP and enable the SA cache function on the remote MSDP peer. If a new Join message is received but the local entries and SA...
Enable RRAS as NAT Router 發行項 2015/09/21 QuestionMonday, September 21, 2015 2:10 PMI configure the RRAS role on window server 2012 but the configure and enable routing and remote access is not highlightedon the tab to continuum the configuration....
This mode operates like the peer-to-peer Delivery Optimization feature in Windows. Hosted Cache mode. With this mode, designated servers at specific locations act as a cache for files requested by clients in its area.Branch Cache is generally configured using Group ...
AsSlice()) } else if ip.Is6() { // TODO } kniValue := kmeshNodeInfo{ spi: uint32(ic.ipsecKey.Spi), nodeid: sum.Sum16(), } if err := mapfd.Update(&kniKey, &kniValue, ebpf.UpdateAny); err != nil { return err } } } } return nil } func (ic *ipsecController) is...
Distributed Cache mode. This mode operates like the peer-to-peer Delivery Optimization feature in Windows. Hosted Cache mode. With this mode, designated servers at specific locations act as a cache for files requested by clients in its area. ...
To install theEPELrepository on any RHEL-based distributions, log in to your server instance as a root user and run the commands as explained below as per your release version. Install EPEL Repo on RHEL 9 # subscription-manager repos --enable codeready-builder-for-rhel-9-$(arch)-rpms ...
realpath_cache_get realpath_cache_size rename rewind rmdir set_file_buffer stat symlink tempnam tmpfile touch umask unlink Filter filter_has_var filter_id filter_input filter_input_array filter_list filter_var filter_var_array Function Handling call_user_func call_user_func_array forward_static_ca...
Network optimization features can include peer to peer technologies such as Configuration Manager Peer Cache or Delivery Optimization (DO) to reduce network bandwidth demand.  :::image type="content" source=...
ip route-cache flow ip tcp adjust-mss 1300 load-interval 30 duplex auto speed auto!interface FastEthernet0/1 description connection to xxxxxxxx ip address dhcp load-interval 30 duplex auto speed auto service-policy output qos!interface Serial0/3/0 no ip address encapsulation frame-relay clock ra...