@@ -117,6 +120,7 @@ TEST_CASE("mcpwm_capture_ext_gpio", "[mcpwm]") TEST_ASSERT_UINT_WITHIN(100000, clk_src_res / 10, cap_value[1] - cap_value[0]); printf("uninstall capture channel and timer\r\n"); TEST_ESP_OK(mcpwm_capture_channel_disable(pps_channel)); TEST_ESP_OK(mcp...
#undef USE_DALI // Disable support for DALI gateway (+5k code) //#undef USE_WEBSERVER // Disable Webserver #undef USE_GPIO_VIEWER // Enable GPIO Viewer to see realtime GPIO states (+5k6 code) #undef USE_ENHANCED_GUI_WIFI_SCAN // Disable wifi scan output with BSSID (+0k5 code) ...
GPIO_PinModeSet(gpioPortB,10, gpioModeInput,0);/* Prepare struct for initializing UART in asynchronous mode*/uartInit.enable = usartDisable;/* Don't enable UART upon intialization */uartInit.refFreq =0;/* Provide information on reference frequency. When set to 0, the reference frequency is...
adc2_spinlock should be acquired first, then adc2_wifi_lock or rtc_spinlock.In order to use ADC2 for other functions, we have to acquire complicated firmware locks and very difficult to do So, it's not advisable to use ADC2 with WiFi/BlueTooth (BT/BLE). Use ADC1, and pins GPIO32-GPIO...
ADC1 controls ADC function for pinsGPIO32-GPIO39 ADC2 controls ADC function for pinsGPIO0, 2, 4, 12-15, 25-27 3.. ESP32 WiFi uses ADC2 for WiFi functions Look in fileadc_common.c In ADC2, there're two locks used for different cases: ...