EN_ERRSPACE EN_HSCROLL EN_KILLFOCUS EN_MAXTEXT EN_SETFOCUS EN_UPDATE EN_VSCROLL WM_CTLCOLOREDIT 编辑控件结构 编辑控件常量 平面滚动条 标头控件 热键 图像列表 IP 地址控件 列表框 列表视图 Month Calendar 寻呼机 进度条 属性表 Rebar 富编辑 ...
EN_ERRSPACE WPARAM wParam; LPARAM lParam; 參數 wParam LOWORD 包含編輯控件的標識碼。 HIWORD 會指定通知程序代碼。 lParam 編輯控件的句柄。 備註 父視窗一律會收到此事件的WM_COMMAND訊息;它不需要以EM_SETEVENTMASK訊息傳送的通知遮罩。 Rich Edit: Microsoft Rich Edit 1.0 和更新版本中支援。 如需豐富...
CBN_ERRSPACE idComboBox = (int)LOWORD(wParam); hwndComboBox = (HWND) lParam; ParametersidComboBox Identifier of the combo box.hwndComboBox Handle to the combo box.Return ValueNone.RequirementsExpand table Header winuser.hSee AlsoReferenceCombo...
LBN_ERRSPACE idListBox = (int)LOWORD(wParam); hwndListBox = (HWND) lParam; ParametersidListBox Identifier of the list box. hwndListBox Handle to the list box.Return ValuesNone.RequirementsOS Versions: Windows CE 1.0 and later. Header: Winuser.h.See...
2 O AFTER OSLO II: LEGAL ASPECTS OF WATER IN THE OCCUPIED TERRITORIES]]>Iain ScobbieScobbie, Iain. "H2O after Oslo II: Legal Aspects of Water in the Occupied Territories." Pal. Y.B. Int'l L. 8 (1994-1995): 79-110.
空间万向旋转磁场方位误差的直线极化相位校正方法 Universal Space linearly polarized rotating magnetic field orientation phase error correction method本发明属于自动化工程技术领域,涉及一种空间万向旋转磁场方位误差的相位校正方法——直线极化电压相位差补偿法. The present invention belongs to the field of automation...
CBN_ERRSPACE idComboBox = (int)LOWORD(wParam); hwndComboBox = (HWND) lParam; ParametersidComboBox Identifier of the combo box.hwndComboBox Handle to the combo box.Return ValueNone.RequirementsExpand table Header winuser.h Windows Embedded CE Windows CE 1.0 and later Windows Mobile Windows Mo...
Syntax LBN_ERRSPACE idListBox = (int)LOWORD(wParam); hwndListBox = (HWND) lParam; Parameters idListBox Identifier of the list box. hwndListBox Handle to the list box. Return Value None. Requirements List Box Messages WM_COMMAND
LBN_ERRSPACE idListBox = (int)LOWORD(wParam); hwndListBox = (HWND) lParam; ParametersidListBox Identifier of the list box.hwndListBox Handle to the list box.Return ValueNone.RequirementsExpand table Header winuser.h Windows Embedded CE Windows CE 1.0 and later Windows Mobile Windows Mobile...