1Incorporating Residual current operated circuit-breakers with integral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses (RCBO’s) —Part 1: General rulesThe European Standard EN 61009-1:2004 has the status of a British StandardICS 29.120.50 12 &23<,1* :,7+287 %6, 3(50,66,21 (;&...
内容提示: BRITISH STANDARDBS EN 61009-1:1995Incorporating Amendments Nos. 1, 2 and 3Electrical accessories — Residual current operated circuit-breakers with integral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses (RCBO’s) —Part 1: General rulesThe European Standard EN 61009-1:1994, with...
EN 61009-1:家用和类似用途的综合过电流保护的剩余电流断路器.第1部分:通用规则。 EN61009-2-1:家用和类似用途的有完整过电保护的剩余电流控制断路器(RCBO's).第2-1部分:RCBO功能不受线路电压支配的一般规则的适用性。 三、认证周期与费用 一般来说,整个认证流程大约需要10-20个工作日,但具体认证周期还需要根...
61009-1:2004 Incorporating CorrigendumNo.1 Residualcurrent operated circuit-breakerswith integralovercurrent protectionfor householdandsimilar uses(RCBO’s)— Part1:Generalrules TheEuropeanStandardEN61009-1:2004hasthestatusofa BritishStandard ICS29.120.50 ...
EN 61009-1:2012 家用和类似用途的无完整过电流保护的剩余电流断路器(RCCB's).第1部分:通用规则 Residual current operated circuit-breakers with integral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses (RCBO's) Part 1: General rules (Incorporates Amendment A11: 2015) ...
BS EN 61009-1:2012+A13:2021相似标准 GB/T 16917.21-2008家用和类似用途的带过电流保护的剩余电流动作断路器(RCBO) 第21部分:一般规则对动作功能与电源电压无关的RCBO的适用性GB 16917.1-1997家用和类似用途的带过电流保护的剩余电流动作断路器(RCBO) 第1部分:一般规则GB/T 16895.22-2022 低压电气装置 第5-53...
英文名称:Residual current operated circuit-breakers with integral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses (RCBOs) - Part 1: General rules 标准状态:现行 发布日期:2012-04-30 文档简介 IEC61009-1:2010+AMD1:2012CSVEN-FR余流操作电路断路器-家用和类似用途带整定过电流保护的剩余电流操作电路...
标准号:IEC 61009-1:2010 EN-FR 标准名称:家用和类似用途的带剩余电流操作的组合式过电流保护断路器第1部分:一般规则(RCBOs)-Part 1: General rules 英文名称:Residual current operated circuit-breakers with integral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses (RCBOs) - Part 1: General rules ...