内容提示: BRITISH STANDARDBS EN 50363-1:2005Insulating, sheathing and covering materials for low voltage energy cables —Part 1: Cross-linked elastomeric insulating compoundsThe European Standard EN 50363-1:2005 has the status of a British StandardICS 29.035.2012 &23<,1* :,7+287 %6, 3(50,...
内容提示: BRITISH STANDARDBS EN 50363-1:2005Insulating, sheathing and covering materials for low voltage energy cables —Part 1: Cross-linked elastomeric insulating compoundsThe European Standard EN 50363-1:2005 has the status of a British StandardICS 29.035.20Licensed Copy: sheffieldun sheffieldun,...
EN50363-1-低压能源电缆的绝缘,护套和覆盖材料第1部分:交联的弹性体绝缘化合物.pdf,BRITISH STANDARD BS EN 50363-1:2005 I S B Insulating, sheathing ) c ( , y p and covering materials o C d e l for low voltage energy l o r t n o c cables — n U , 6 0 0 2 Part
BRITISH STANDARD BS EN 50363-1:2005 Insulating, sheathing and covering materials for low voltage energy cables — Part 1: Cross-linked elastomeric insulating compounds - - ` , , ` ` ` , , , , ` ` ` ` - ` - ` , , ` , , ` , ` , , ` - - - The European Standard EN 50363...
DS/EN 50363-1:2006 发布 2006年发布单位 丹麦标准化协会当前最新DS/EN 50363-1:2006 适用范围 EN 50363的这一部分规定了表1中给出的交联弹性体绝缘化合物的要求。EN 60811系列和EN 50396中给出了相关的测试方法。购买 正式版DS/EN 50363-1:2006相似标准DANSK...
EN 50363-1:2005 – 4 – 1 Scope This part of EN 50363 specifies the requirements for the cross-linked elastomeric insulating compounds given in Table 1. The relevant test methods are given in EN 60811 series and EN 50396. NOTE This part of EN 50363 is to be read in conjunction with ...
BS EN 50363-1:2005低压电缆用绝缘、铠装和包覆材料.第1部分:交联弹性绝缘化合物 Insulating, sheathing and covering materials for low voltage energy cables - Part 1: Cross-linked elastomeric insulating compounds被代替 2006-02首页 标准 BS EN 50363-1:2005 ...
EN 50363-1:2005 标准号:EN 50363-1:2005 检测标准/方法:《低压电力电缆绝缘,护套和内衬材料-第1部分:交联弹性体橡胶绝缘化合物》 EN 50363-1:2005 检测对象:交联弹性体橡胶绝缘化合物 检测项目/参数:全部参数2 相关标准 《GB/T23312.3-2009》漆包铝圆绕组线 第3部分:130级聚酯漆包铝圆线 GB/T23312.3-...
1、匚一EN50363-1:2005Table2一Requirementsforthetestsforcros&linkedelastomericinsulatingcompounds1234561B910RefNoTest3UnitTestmethoddcribdinEN60811bT/peofcompoundSectionClauseEl2EI3EI4ElSEI71Mechanicalproperties1.1Propertiesbeforeageing1-Valuestoheobtainedforlhetensilestrength:-median,minN/nnE5。6, 2、55.05.05...
BRITISH STANDARDBS EN 50363-2-1:2005Insulating, sheathing and covering materials for low voltage energy cables — Part 2-1: Cross-linked elastomeric sheathing compounds The European Standard EN 50363-2-1:2005 has the status of a British StandardICS 29.035.2012 &23<,1* :,7+287 %6, 3(50...