内容提示: BRITISH STANDARDBS EN 50131-1:1997Implementing Amendment No. 1 (not issued separately) Incorporating Corrigendum No. 1Alarm systems — Intrusion systems — Part 1: General requirementsThe European Standard EN 50131-1:1997 has the status of a British StandardICS 13.320???Licensed Copy: ...
Standard model Selectable wide & narrow area with one lens. By turning the lens upside down, the shape of detection area can be changed from WIDE to NARROW.LED color is green and viewable from distance.The new element size has been designed to create proper detection areas and optimize ...
BRITISH STANDARDBS EN Alarm systems — Intrusion and hold-up systems —Part 1: System requirementsICS 13.31050131-1:2006+A1:2009
该欧洲标准适用于安装在建筑物中的无源声学玻璃破碎探测器,并提供 1 至 4 级安全等级(参见 EN 50131-1)@特定或非特定有线或无线探测器@并使用环境等级 I 至 IV(参见EN 50130-5)。本欧洲标准不包括对户外使用的无源声学玻璃破碎探测器的要求。探测器应满足指定等级的所有要求。本标准规定的强制功能之外的附加功...
本文件包括对用于通知建筑物内入侵和劫持警报系统的警告装置的要求。警报装置的四个等级分别对应于 EN 50131-1 中给出的四个安全等级。还给出了 EN 50130-5 中指定的涵盖室内和室外场所应用的四个环境等级的要求。本文件不涉及遵守 EC 监管指令@(例如 EMC 指令@低电压指令@等)的要求,但它规定了 EN 50130-4 ...
BRITISH STANDARDBS EN 50131-2-4:2008Alarm systems — Intrusion and hold-up systems —Part 2-4: Requirements for combined passive infrared and microwave detectorsICS 13.31012 &23<,1* :,7+287 %6, 3(50,66,21 (;&(37 $6 3(50,77(' %< &23<5,*+7 /$:Copyright British Standards Instit...
范围 本文件适用于安装在建筑物中的被动红外探测器,规定安全等级 1 至 4(参见 EN 50131-1)、特定或非特定有线或无线探测器,并使用环境等级 I 至 IV(参见 EN 50131-1)。 50130-5)。本文件不包括对室外使用的探测器的要求。探测器的目的是探测入侵者发出的广谱红外辐射,分析产生的信号并提供入侵报警系统其余...
BS EN 50131-1:2006+A2:2017 Incorporating corrigendum January 2018 BSI Standards Publication Alarm systems — Intrusion and hold-up systems Part 1: System requirements BS EN 50131-1:2006+A2:2017 BRITISH STANDARD National foreword This British Standard is the UK implementation of EN 50131-1:2006+...
EUROPEANSTANDARDprEN50131-2-4 NORMEEUROPÉENNE EUROPÄISCHENORMSeptember2002 CENELEC EuropeanCommitteeforElectrotechnicalStandardization ComitéEuropéendeNormalisationElectrotechnique EuropäischesKomiteefürElektrotechnischeNormung CentralSecretariat:ruedeStassart35,B-1050Brussels ...
Characterize them, taking into account the guidance contained in the standard "PN-EN50131-1:2009:Alarm systems- Intrusion and hold-up systems- part 1: System requirements". Then performed an analysis of reliability that enable their comparison. In further research of this issue is planned to ...