EN24 Steel is a high quality Quenched and Tempered Alloy Structural steel, It belongs to the high quality medium carbon, Oil Quenched & Tempered Hardness is 28-34 HRC.EN24 Annealing delivery hardness less than 250HB. EN24 Alloy structural steel properties are very similar with GB 40CrNiMo stee...
The heat treatment cycle is designed to obtain a hardness of 25-30.HRC in EN 24 Material where as the regular hardening and tempering of EN24 material results in to higher hardness values. The heat treatment cycle involves oil quenching while harden ing and forced air quenching for tempering....
1st pre-heating °C2nd and 3rdHardening °CQuenchingTempering °CHardness after Teperature HRC up to approx. 400 in an air-circulating furnace780 and 10001190 - 1230Saltbath, at least 520 °C Oil ,Airat least twice 530-56064 – 66
Improvements in the tool and coating technologies, varieties of tool options are available to machine surfaces with hardness more than 45HRc. The objective of this research is to find the influence of tool wear and the surface characteristics of the chrome surfaces. The wear characteristics of ...
The main intension is to optimize the cutting parameter.Generally hard turningis turning process in which work material whose hardness about 46-69 HRC are used. Thus, various sort of tipped tools are used for turning operation. The orthogonal array, signal to noise ratio are employed to study ...
The surface hardness ranging between 50 HRC and 57 HRC at 2.1 kW laser power with precise directional travel of 3500 mm/min to 4000 mm/min with diffusion less martensitic transformation was observed. Undistorted phase transformation, consistent surface hardness with precise process controls can be ...