BS EN 13236:2019标准引用了以下的标准,这些标准对于理解和应用本标准是必不可少的: EN ISO 286-2:2010 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - ISO code system for tolerances on linear sizes - Part 2: Tables of standard tolerance classes and limit deviations for holes and shafts (ISO 286-2:20...
标准编号 Standard/Code 标准名称 Standard Title EN 13236 Safety requirements for superabrasive products This document applies to superabrasives products containing natural or synthetic diamond or cBN (cubic boron nitride). It includes precision grinding and cutting-off wheels, non-precision cutting-off whee...
Clause5.2.6 Standard operating speeds Clause5.2.7 Special operating speeds Clause5.2.8 Requirments for the metal blank (Blank thickness,hardness) Clause5.2.9 Requirements for the connection of the superabrasive sectionto the metal blank (Bending test) Clause 5.3requirements for diamond wire Clasue 5.4...
Clause 5.1.7 standard operating speeds Clause 5.1.8 special operating speeds Clause 5.2 Requirements for cutting-off wheels (saws) Clause 5.2.1 General (type and dimension check) Clause 5.2.2 Bore tolerances (bore diameter) Clause 5.2.3 Maximum permissible plastic deformation (After bursting speed...
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 50 60 70 4 6 0,5 3 60 5410 238 732 222 041 145 722 102 588 76 012 58 535 46 447 37 746– –– 80 74 26 338 19 417 – 5 6 1,0 3 60 5410 190 986 169 671 114 298 82 207 62 011 48 484 38 977 32 037– –– 80 74 22 778 17 044 –...
2004 年 8 月 金刚石与磨料磨具工程 August 2004 总第 142 期 第 4 期 Diamond Abrasives Engineering Serial 142 No4 ( ) 文章编号 :1006 - 852X 2004 04 - 0066 - 02 En13236 安全标准及其对中国金刚石工具行业的影响 En 13236 STANDARD ON SAFETY AND ITS INFL UENCE ON CHINA ’S D IAMOND ...
标准编号Standard/Code标准名称StandardTitle EN13236Safetyrequirements for superabrasive products This document applies to superabrasives products containingnatural or synthetic diamond or cBN (cubic boron nitride). Itincludes precision grinding and cutting-off wheels, non-precisioncutting-off wheels, diamond wir...
内容提示: BRITISH STANDARDBS EN 13236:2001Safety requirements for superabrasivesThe European Standard EN 13236:2001 has the status of a British StandardICS 25.100.70NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAWCopyright British Standards Institution Reproduced by IHS under license...
En13236STANDARDONSAFETYANDITSINFLUENCEON CHINA’SDIAMONDTOOLSINDUSTRY 刘一波赵刚赵万林陈哲黄盛林 (北京安泰钢研超硬材料制品有限责任公司102200北京) LiuYiboZhaoGangZhaoWanlinChenZheHuangShenglin (BeijingGangYanDiamondProductsCompany,Beijing102200,China) 摘要:本文简要概述了En13236标准的主要指标,指出了En13236标准已...