Then several asso ciated problem s with re-gard to Euro pean stan dard EN1 3236 w ere put fo rw ard, such as the definitio ns o f X and X, in blade segm ent,the stress distributionw ith differ ent cross一 sections o f saw to oth while bending test being m ade,the ...
关键词 :En13236 ;金刚石工具 ;标准 中图分类号 :TG74 文献标识码 :A Abstract :Basic knowledge of Standard En13236 is introduced in this article Standard En13236 is coming to be the international safe standard of superabrasive tools Taking diamond circular saw blade as example , requirments of ...
safestandardofsuperabrasivetools1Takingdiamondcircularsawbladeasexample,requirmentsofsafetyinEn13236areintroducedin thepaper,andtheinfluenceofEn13236onChina’sdiamondtoolsindustryisanalysedaswell1 Keywords:En13236;Diamondtools;Standard 3 3 3 3 3 工具和使用设备定义 ...