砂轮机ce认证标准 根据相关的欧盟磨料安全要求,en12413:标准规定了纤维加上树脂砂轮的增强安全要求,en13236:2010标准规定了金刚石锯片/合金锯的安全要求。当公司在欧盟运营或使用磨料时,产品必须符合上述两个标准的要求,这项工作位于德国国家材料检验局(mpa)负责的测试和认证。磨料产品对于德国,欧洲,美洲,澳大利亚和南非...
CE认证,欧盟认证 所在地 深圳市罗湖区翠竹街道翠宁社区太宁路145号二单元705 联系电话 17324413130 罗工 17324413130 检测工程师 罗卓文请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多 请卖家联系我 详细介绍 标准编号Standard/Code标准名称StandardTitle EN13236Safetyrequirements for superabrasive products ...
EN 13236 Safety requirements for superabrasive products This document applies to superabrasives products containing natural or synthetic diamond or cBN (cubic boron nitride). It includes precision grinding and cutting-off wheels, non-precision cutting-off wheels, diamond wires, mounted points and other ...
摘要:EN 13236 Safety requirements for superabrasive products 联系我们:info@tecert.com 安排检测 / Contact us for testing. This document applies to superabrasives products containing natural or synthetic diamond or cBN (cubic boron nitride). It includes precision grinding and cutting-off wheels, non-pr...