BS EN10246-1:1996Non-destructive testing of steel tubes —Part 1: Automatic electromagnetic testing of seamless and welded (except submerged arc welded) ferromagnetic steel tubes for verification of hydraulic The European Standard EN 10246-1:1996 has the status of a ...
BSEN 10246-1:1996 Non-destructivetesting ofsteeltubes— Part1:Automaticelectromagnetic testingofseamlessandwelded(except submergedarcwelded)ferromagnetic steeltubesforverificationofhydraulic leak-tightness TheEuropeanStandardEN10246-1:1996hasthestatusofa
BRITISH STANDARD BS EN I 10246-1:1996 S B ) c ( , y p o C d e l l Non-destructive testing o r t n o c of steel tubes — n U , 7 0 0 2 0 Part 1: Automatic electromagnetic 0 : testing of seamless and welded (except 0 0 + submerged arc welded) ferromagnetic T M ...
悬赏分:0 - 提问时间2008-5-29 10:45 问题为何被关闭 EN 10246-1对涡流探伤的N型槽的要求 为名义壁厚的12.5%,最小0.5mm,最大1.5mm,而GB7735 B级要求进行涡流探伤的,N型槽为 为名义壁厚的5%,最小0.3mm,最大1.3mm 其他的槽的尺寸要求都一样,请问哪个标准要求严格些 提问者: cqxf - 二级相关内容•...
欧盟标准协会BS EN 10246[1].17-2000 .pdf,钢管的无损检验 第 17部分:用于无缝和焊接钢管管端层 状缺陷检测的超声波检验
10246-68-1 Basic informationMore.. Product Name:nonanoic acid, compound with 2,2',2''-nitrilotriethanol (1:1) Synonyms:nonanoic acid, compound with 2,2',2''-nitrilotriethanol (1:1) CAS:10246-68-1 MF:C9H18O2.C6H15NO3 MW:307.42622 ...
电子品类一直都是亚马逊卖的最火爆的产品,同样也是最容易出现问题类的产品。据外媒Sun Reporter报道,近日,一款宠物加热垫被亚马逊下架,只因买家购买使用后,导致4只仅有3天大的小猫被烫死。 买家购买宠物加热垫,引发火灾 据小猫的主人Belinda Carr表示,自己一直是亚马逊的忠实客户,她购买这款宠物加热垫是在亚马逊英国站...