CEI EN 50268-2标准的制定对电线电缆行业和消防安全具有关键意义。它有助于确保电线电缆在火灾情况下不会产生过于浓重或有害的烟雾,从而提高了人员的逃生安全性和减少了呼吸空气中的有毒物质。此标准还为电线电缆制造商提供了一种衡量其产品质量和安全性能的方法。结论:CEI EN 50268-2标准的第2部分是电线电缆行业...
着火条件下电缆的通用测试方法 电缆在规定条件下燃烧的烟密度的测量第2部分:程序, Common Test Methods for Cables under Fire Conditions - Measurement of Smoke Density of Cables Burning under Defined Con
财政/国家财政 > NF-EN-50268-2(C32-073-2)-2017.pdf 下载文档 收藏 打印 转格式 17阅读文档大小:1.01M13页69ipd5udtbya25上传于2017-04-30格式:PDF Exhibition-of-Master-Wan-Ko-Yee's-Amazing-Achievement-in-the-Form-of-World-Class-Treasures ...
European Standard EN 50268-2:1999 has the status of aBritish StandardICS 13.220.40; 29.060.20NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAWCommon test methodsfor cables under fireconditions ÐMeasurement of smokedensity of cablesburning under definedconditions ÐPart 2: ...
European Standard EN 50268-2:1999 has the status of aBritish StandardICS 13.220.40; 29.060.20NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAWCommon test methodsfor cables under fireconditions ÐMeasurement of smokedensity of cablesburning under definedconditions ÐPart 2: ...
European Standard EN 50268-2:1999 has the status of aBritish StandardICS 13.220.40; 29.060.20NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAWCommon test methodsfor cables under fireconditions ÐMeasurement of smokedensity of cablesburning under definedconditions ÐPart 2: ...
AENOR UNE-EN 50268-2:2000 着火电缆的常用测试方法 测量在规定条件下燃烧电缆所发出的烟雾密度 第2部分:程序 Common test methods for cables under fire. Measurement of the density of smoke emitted by burning cables under defined conditions. Part 2: Procedure. ...
EN 50268-2:2000/BS EN 50268-2:2000/DIN EN 50268-2000/VDE 0482-268-2:2000 (SUPERSEDED) –在着火条件下,常用的测试方法,是在一定条件下对燃烧电缆的烟密度测定。 第2部分: 测试程序。 该标准已经不再生效,并且被EN 61034-1:2005 和 EN 61034-2:2005所取代,尽管后来这两 ...
CEI EN 50268-2电缆烟密度测试 CEI EN 50268-2: Common test method for cables being set on fire-measuring the smoke density of cables burning under defined conditions-Part 2: Test procedures.
EN 50268-2测试方法 在一个容积为27 m3炉内进行,还有测光仪,火源其它设备。电缆要求平直,测试前在温度为23℃±5℃情况下预先放置16个小时. 实验测试时间为40分钟,烟密度测试是通过最低的光透率来表示。 其它标准: EN 50268-1:2002 Common test methods for cables under fire conditions-Measurement of smoke...