Finanzas corporativasOptimizaciónApalancamientoIn every facet of our lives, we need to know manage our money. For business, it is vital that owners of a company develop and implement planning techniques to ensure the future existence of the company. Investors should seek and receive performance ...
The objective of this proposal will be to develop a pilot experience where our students, through cooperative learning, forming work teams grouped according to the Riso-Hudson test (1999), guarantee maximum academic performance. As a result, a measure of the profitability...
Larran Jorge M, Andrades Pena FJ. La oferta de asignaturas de responsabilidad social corporativa y etica empresarial en las titulaciones de finanzas y contabilidad: analisis comparativo con el ambito de la gestion de organizaciones. Revista de contabilidad. 2015;18(1):1-10...