The goal of this systematic review is to analyse those investigations related to the impact of visual arts interventions on the health and well-being of people with dementia. This review has been done using Medline, PsycINFO and Cinalh databases. Out of 84 publications found, 18 met the ...
Centro Frist de Artes Visuales Museo A 2 blocks de distancia El Frist Center abrió sus puertas en abril de 2001 y desde entonces ha albergado una espectacular variedad de arte de la región, del país y de todo el mundo. A diferencia de cualquier museo tradicional… Más 919 ...
After a long process of cultural development, which in the Hispanic Monarchy presents a level comparable to that of its European counterparts, the arrival of the Bourbons gave a significant boost to the artistic-visual education of the different members of the royal ...
Introduction and objective: Art-based teaching is a strategy for increasing the observational skills of medical students. We present our experience using artworks with first-year students in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Oviedo. Subjects and methods: The activity was performed in the form ...
The article presents research on the impact of a neurodidactic strategy on the teaching of Visual Arts in preadolescents. The study used a quasi-experimental quantitative design and was conducted with 40 students from two middle schools. The res...
Envejecer en Cuba: reflexiones desde la literatura, las artes visuales y la sociologíadoi:10.23870/marlas.439OLDER peopleAGINGEMIGRATION & immigrationOBSERVATORIESThis research article explores the portrayal of aging in Cuba through artistic and literary projects driven by social science ...
This article presents part of the findings of a study whose objective was to know the subjectivities of visual arts teachers in Chile and how they contribute to the social and cultural development of the region of Los Lagos, in southern Chile. A Research base...
As a methodology, a bibliographical review has been applied, in addition to the brief case study of certain works that are cited throughout the text, which, nevertheless, aims to provide a more general and updated radiography of Folk Horror in the sphere of the audiovisual arts...
The text ends with a discussion focused on the possibilities that this learning opens up for the Visual Arts; contemporary art practices offer new forms of knowledge, while also shaping ways of learning. The article concludes with a reflection on the need for a ...