Language learnersInstructional strategiesmethods and materialsWritingWriting process Ongoing assessment Authentic Home‐school connections Home language English language learnersdoi:10.1002/trtr.1635Gillanders, CristinaReading Teacher
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En concreto, se constata que la investigación se ha realizado predominantemente desde acercamientos cognitivos (confirmación de expectativas, equidad, atribución causal) y, en menor medida, en afectivos. Se señalan, asimismo, las principales limitaciones relacionadas con el escaso valor ...
Mots Mêlés en Français 0 人评论 已有超过6100人预约,上线后免费推送 下载豌豆荚预约 Mots Mêlés en Français最新版截图 # Mots Mêlés en Français最新版 开发者:来自谷歌市场 网友评论更多 下载豌豆荚,参与网友评论互动 暂无评论 相关...
La substitution nucléophile activée en série aromatique II.—Effet polaire des groupements alcoyle-Réaction d'échange bromo-iode dans une série de 1-alcoyl-4-bromo-3,5-dinitro-benzènes Mlle A. Pinguair, P. J.C Fierens†, A. Frennet and A. Halleux Article first published onlin...
Synthesis of all monodeuterio indazole derivatives has allowed the assignment of the seven carbons in the13C nmr spectrum of indazole. Some1J,2J, and3Jcoupling constants have been measured from the coupled spectrum.JoséElgueroAlain Fruchier...
Pastor RE, Fabron J, Cambon A, Hu Y-C (1987) Etude en resonance magnetique nucleaire du 13C des F-methyl-4 coumarines. Can J Chem 65:1356-1360R E PASTOR, J FABRON, A CAMBON, Y-C HU: " Etude en résonance magnétique nucléaire du 13C des F-méthyl-4 coumarines " CANADIAN ...
Photo-induced phenomenons have been investigated during this PhD work, especially photo-induced fluidity, on the binary system Ge-Se. The study initiated with the work on relaxation fiber optics of composition Ge-Se3 Ge-Se4 and Ge-Se9 and their ...
Troughout the study of a spanish immigrant to mexico at the end of the xixth century, we analyse the development of his investment strategies and the multiplication of his capital; that is; an innovative conduct that leads to the construction of a modern country in the economic and social ...
We report in the present paper that, in certain cases, this synthesis can be achieved by the yet unattempted péri -heterocyclization of 8-hydroxy-1-naphthaldehydes with an halogenated active methylene compound in acetone in the presence of potassium carbonate. Thus, among others, 2-acetyl, 2...