英文名称:Mechanical properties of fasteners — Part 2: Nuts with specified proof load values — Coarse thread 标准状态:废止 发布日期:1992-11-12 文档简介 ISO898-2:1992EN是关于紧固件机械性能的第2部分,它规定了特定证明载荷值的螺母。它主要涉及到螺母的机械性能,包括但不限于螺母的抗拉强度、屈服强度、...
英文名称:Mechanical properties of fasteners — Part 6: Nuts with specified proof load values — Fine pitch thread 标准状态:废止 发布日期:1994-12-15 文档简介 带有特定试验载荷值的螺母-细牙螺纹紧固件机械性能标准主要规定了以下内容: 1.适用范围:该标准适用于带有特定试验载荷值的螺母,这些试验载荷值是根...
$y8<"1862125www.din.deDDIN EN ISO 898-2Mechanische Eigenschaften von Verbindungselementen ausKohlenstoffstahl und legiertem Stahl –Teil 2: Muttern mit festgelegten Festigkeitsklassen –Regelgewinde und Feingewinde (ISO 898-2:2012);Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 898-2:2012Mechanical properties of ...
Mechanical properties 9 •• 7.2.3 Other properties (magnetic properties) 15 7.3 Casting 15 ■ 7.3.1 Chemical composition 15 7.3.2 Mechanical properties 15 ■ 7.3.3 Non-destructive testing 15 ■ 7.3.4 Conditions of the casting 15 ■ 7.3.5 Mass of the casting 15 ■ 7.3.6 Additional ...
Mechanical properties 机械性能 - colour fastness to perspiration 汗渍色牢度 Mechanical properties 机械性能 - colour fastness to lightfastness 光照色牢度 DINE EN ISO 23537, EN 13537 Sleeping bag 睡袋 - Filling 填充物 Composition 成分 EN 12130 蓬松度 ...
3 Mechanical property limits 3.1 General The mechanical properties shall be in conformity with those specified in Tables 1 to 35 or those agreed upon between supplier and purchaser and stated in the order document. For all alloys the condition F (as fabricated) can be used, but without guarante...
Mechanical properties 分:机械性能 铝和铝合金 HF 接 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - HF seam 缝焊接管 第3 部 EN 1592-3-1997 welded tubes - Part 3: Tolerances on 分:圆形管的尺寸 dimensions and form for circular tubes 和形状公差 铝和铝合金 HF 接 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - HF seam ...
BS EN 10265-1996 磁性材料.薄板材和带材的机械特性和磁导率的规范 (Magnetic materials - Specification for steel sheet and strip with specified mechanical properties and magnetic permeability) BS EN 10266-2003 钢管、配件和结构空心型材.产品标准中术语的符号和定义 (Steel tubes, fittings and structural hollo...
碳钢和合金钢制造的紧固件的机械特性.第1部分:螺栓,螺钉和螺柱 Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbon steel and alloy steel - Part 1: Bolts@ screws and studs with specified property classes - Coarse thread and fine pitch thread EN ISO 898-1:2009 发布历史...
二、Mechanical requirements 机械要求 1、Drop Test 跌落实验 2、Torque Test 扭矩测试 3、Tear Resistance 撕裂强度 4、Tensile Strength 抗拉强度 5、Strength/Rigidity 强度/刚度 6、preparation of samples and general testing conditions 样品制备和一般测试条件 ...