内容提示: BS EN 50525-2-51:2011BSI Standards PublicationElectric cables — Low voltageenergy cables of rated voltagesup to and including 450/750 V( U 0 / U )Part 2-51: Cables for general applications— Oil resistant control cables withthermoplastic PVC insulationNO COPYING WITHOUT BSI ...
ThetextofthedraftwassubmittedtotheformalvoteandwasacceptedbyCENELECasEN50525-2-21on2011-01-17. Thisdocument,whichisoneofamultipartseries,supersedesHD22.4S4:2004,HD2210S2:2007,HD22.11S2:2007,HD22.12S2:2007,HD22.16S2:2007. Attentionisdrawntothepossibilitythatsomeoftheelementsofthisdocumentmaybethesubject...
IEC标准EN 50525-2-31是国际电工委员会(International Electrotechnical Commission,简称IEC)制定的一项电缆标准,该标准的制定是基于对电缆市场需求和电缆技术发展的调研和分析,旨在统一和规范电缆的设计、生产和测试等方面的要求,以促进国际电缆贸易和技术交流。 1.2 标准的意义 IEC标准EN 50525-2-31的出台对于电缆行业有...
raising standards worldwide™Copyright European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization Provided by IHS under license with CENELECNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHSNO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAWBSI Standards PublicationBS EN 50525-2-...
EN 50525-2-11:2011 Electric cables - Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V (Uo/U) - Part 2-11: Cables for general applications - Flexible cab..,,EN,50525-2-11,2011,cable,PVC 君,已阅读到文档的结尾了呢~~ ...
raising standards worldwide ™NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAWBSI Standards PublicationBS EN 50525-2-51:2011Electric cables — Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V (? 0 /?) Part 2-51: Cables for general applications...
raising standards worldwide ™NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAWBSI Standards PublicationBS EN 50525-2-21:2011Electric cables — Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V (? 0 /?) Part 2-21: Cables for general applications...
橡胶软电缆的检测标准EN50525-2-21是欧洲电工标准化委员会(CENELEC)制定的,专门针对橡胶软电缆和软线的电气和电子性能以及安全性的标准。以下是关于这个标准的一些关键点: 标准范围: EN 50525-2-21是EN 50525系列标准的一部分,该系列标准涵盖了多种电缆和软线的性能要求。特别地,EN50525-2-21针对橡胶软电缆和软...
EN50525-2-41适用于交联硅橡胶绝缘单芯电缆。所包括仅绝缘,或绝缘和编织,或绝缘和护套类型。 电缆的额定电压为U0/U,Zui高可达300/500 V。 电缆适用于高温区域的固定安装。 本标准中每根电缆的Zui高导体工作温度为180℃。 橡胶电缆CE认证要求 橡胶电缆CE认证流程 ...
其它名称: BS EN 50525-2-81 标准 H01N2-D / H01N2-E 焊接电缆 芯数: 单芯 形状: 圆形 颜色: 黑色 制造商: 上海埃因 护套材质: 橡胶 每卷长度: 100m 温度范围: 85℃ 导体结构: 多股导体 线芯: 单芯 外护套: 橡胶 特殊用途: 焊接电缆 额定电压: 100V 价格说明 价格:商品...