内容提示: BRITISH STANDARDBS EN 50288-2-2-:2003Multi-element metallic cables used in analogue and digital communication and control —Part 2-2: Sectional specification for screened cables characterised up to 100 MHz — Work area and patch cord cablesThe European Standard EN 50288-2-2-:2003 ...
DIN EN 50288-2-2:2004模拟和数字通信和控制中使用的多元素金属电缆 第2-2部分:频率高达 100 MHz 的屏蔽电缆分规范 工作区和跳线电缆 Multi-element metallic cables used in analogue and digital communication and control - Part 2-2: Sectional specification for screened cables characterised up to 100 MHz...
Part2-1:Sectionalspecificationforscreenedcablescharacterisedupto 100MHz—Horizontalandbuildingbackbonecables TheEuropeanStandardEN50288-2-1:2003hasthestatusofa BritishStandard ICS33.120.20 BSEN50288-2-1:2003 Nationalforeword ThisBritishStandardistheofficialEnglishlanguageversionof EN50288-2-1:2003.ItsupersedesBS...
EN 50288-2-2:2013 购买 正式版 EN 50288-2-2 是屏蔽电缆 的分规范,其频率范围为 1 MHz 至 100 MHz ,可用作工作区电缆,将电信插座连接到终端设备,以及用于在接插片上建立连接的跳线电缆EN 50173 中定义的面板。工作区和数据中心电缆也可用作通用建筑布线系统的任何分配器中的跳线电缆,以与设备互连或布线...
BRITISH STANDARDBS EN 50288-2-2:2001Multi-element metallic cables used in analogue and digital communication and control —Part 2-2: Sectional specification for screened cables characterized up to 100 MHz — Work area and patch cord cablesThe European Standard EN 50288-2-2:2001 has the status ...
EN 50288-2-2-2013 模拟和数字通信和控制用多元金属电缆.第2-2部分:具有100 mhz特性的屏蔽电缆的分规范.工作区和贴片电缆.pdf,本规范为EN欧洲标准规范,欧洲标准的性质为成员国的国家标准与EN标准一致,有英文版和德文版两个版本,包含内容一致,其标准的内容涉及广泛,其
BS EN 50288-2-2-2013 模拟和数字通信和控制用多元金属电缆.第2-2部分:具有100 mhz特性的屏蔽电缆的分规范.工作区和贴片电缆.pdf,本规范为EN欧洲标准规范,欧洲标准的性质为成员国的国家标准与EN标准一致,有英文版和德文版两个版本,包含内容一致,其标准的内容涉及广泛,
Ref. No. EN 50288-2-2:2001 E ICS 33.120.20 Supersedes EN 50168:1994 English version Multi-element metallic cables used in analogue and digital communication and control Part 2-2: Sectional specification for screened cables characterized up to 100 MHz - ...
Part 2-2: Sectional specification for screened cables characterized up to 100 MHz — Work area and patch cord cables The European Standard EN 50288-2-2:2001 has the status of a British Standard ICS 33.120.20 L i c e n s e d C o p y : s h e f f i e l d u n s ...
Part 2-1: Sectional specification for screened cables characterised up to 100MHz— Horizontal and building backbone cables The European Standard EN 50288-2-1:2003 has the status of a British Standard ICS 33.120.20 12 &23<,1* :,7+287 %6, 3(50,66,21 (;&(37 $6 3(50,77(' %< &...