#50178 @Andrik264 5.19.4 2024-07-30 🐞 Fix the internal elements of Form.Item did not inherit the row height. #50020 @Wanpan 🐞 Fix Overlay is still displayed when both Popover title and content do not exist. #50064 @LLmoskk 🐞 Fix the Token of Empty setting opacityImage does ...
(EN 50178) Isolement sécurisé (CEI 60947-1) Isolation de base (CEI 60947-1) Tension d'entrée de commande, d'alimentation de commande et de sortie de report d'information Isolement sécurisé (CEI 60947-1) Sortie de report d'information et tension de commuta- tion • Tension nominal...
accordingtoDINEN50178 ApprovalsandMarkings Applications TechnicalData •Switchgearorsaetyapplications •Presscontrols RelaistypOA5667.12OA5667.16 1.0Relaycoil 1.1NominalvoltageDCV6,12,24,48,60,110 1.2NominalconsumptionW0.75 1.11VoltagerangeUN0.75...1.3 ...
需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) EN848-3-2009木工机械安全.旋转刀具单面模压机械.数控镗床和靠模铣床.pdf 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 EUROPEAN STANDARD EN 848-3:2007+A2 NORME EUROPÉENNE EUROPÄISCHE NORM September 2009 ICS 79.120.10 Supersedes EN 848-3:...
TUV EN 50178 TUV Rheinland Continuous Amps 800 of North America NOTE: Power Module data nameplate labels Rated Coolant Treated Water Bauart gepruft Functional are duplicated on the exterior left side Nom. Coolant Pressure 185 psig TUV Rheinland Safety Type approved wall of the Power Modules. These...