EN 50163{ed2.0}2004cn ICS 29.080 EN 欧 洲 标 准 EN 50163:2004 铁 路 应 用 牵引系统供电电压 Railway application - Supply voltages of traction systems 中文版 CENELEC 欧洲电工委员会
内容提示: BRITISH STANDARDBS EN 50163:2004amendment no. 1Incorporating Railway applications — Supply voltages of traction systemsThe European Standard EN 50163:2004, incorporating amendment A1:2007, has the status of a British Standard ICS 29.28012 &23<,1* :,7+287 %6, 3(50,66,21 (;&(37...
本标准已经由技术委员会PEL/9起草EN501631995铁路应用—牵引系 统供电电压是英文版本由欧洲电工标准化委员会CENELEC出版 EN50163前言提及相关国家标准的撤消日期dow相关的国家标准是 BS75711992该标准撤消 遵循英国标准不能免于法律责任 本标准由北车集团唐山机车车辆厂翻译 ...
SS-EN 50163:2005 被代替标准 SS-EN 50163 适用范围 This European Standard specifies the main characteristics of the supply voltages of traction systems, such as traction fixed installations, including auxiliary devices fed by the contact line, and rolling stock, for use in the following applicatio...
–9 – EN 50163:2004 NOTE 2 In practice, the variation of frequency is more closely controlled in Europe than stated above. Vehicles will operate only within the frequency tolerances for 15 kV 16,7 Hz from 16,17 Hz to 17 Hz and for 25 kV/50 Hz range from 49 Hz to 51 Hz. If the...
轨道交通.牵引系统的供电电压, Railway applications - Supply voltages of traction systems; German version EN 50163:2004/A1:2007, Bahnanwendungen - Speisespannungen von Bahnnet
BSEN50163:2004 ThisBritishStandardwas publishedundertheauthority oftheStandardsPolicyand StrategyCommitteeon 6January2005 ©BSI6January2005 ISBN0580451720 Nationalforeword ThisBritishStandardistheofficialEnglishlanguageversionof EN50163:2004.ItsupersedesBSEN50163:1996whichiswithdrawn. ...
(c) bsi ii bsi 1996 bs en 50163 : 1996 national foreword this british standard has been prepared by technical committee pel/9 and is the english language version of en 50163 : 1995 railway applications supply voltages of traction systems, published by the european committee for electrotechnical ...
BS-EN-50163-1996.pdf 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 I S B ) c ( , y p o C d e l l o r t n o c n U 6, 0 0 2 0 收藏 分享赏 0 内容提供方:wfkm 审核时间:2015-08-21 审核编号:8114050117000027 ...