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首页/ 产品与标准/ EN 1677-2 - 2000 (+A1:2008) 环眼吊钩,带安全闭锁装置,锻钢,8级简体 繁体 EN 环眼吊钩,带安全闭锁装置,锻钢,8级 EN 1677-2 - 2000 (+A1:2008) 选择规格尺寸 点击↓ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 16 18 19 20 22 23 25 26 28 32 36 40 45 尺寸单位: mm 3D...
BS EN 1677-2:2000+A1:2008 适用范围 EN 1677 的本部分规定了带 8 级闩锁、带孔眼或 U 形夹和销的锻钢吊钩的要求,最大 WLL 为 63 吨,主要用于: ——符合 EN 818-4 的链条吊索 - 符合 prEN 的钢丝绳吊索13414-1:1999 - 符合 prEN 1492-1:2000、prEN 1492-2:2000 的纺织吊带,用于提升物体、材料...
EN 1677-5 - 2001 (+A1:2008) 環眼吊鉤,帶安全閉鎖裝置,鍛鋼,4級 HG /T 21629 (A14) - 2021 U形吊耳 HG /T 21629 (A15) - 2021 花籃螺母 HG /T 21629 (A16) - 2021 U形螺母 HG /T 21629 (A30) - 2021 單孔U形吊耳 HG /T 21629 (A31) - 2021 單孔長吊闆 YJT 17002 D形卸扣...
EN 1677-2:2000+A1:2008 适用范围 EN 1677 的这一部分规定了锻钢吊钩的要求,该吊钩带有 8 级闩锁,具有吊眼或 U 形夹以及重达 63 t WLL 的销钉;主要用于: 符合 EN 818-4 的链条吊索 符合 prEN 13414-1:1999 的钢丝绳吊索 符合 prEN 1492-1:2000 的纺织吊索; prEN 1492-2:2000 用于提升物体; EN ...
DIN EN 1677-2 _E-hooks with latch
no.datecomments national foreword this british standard is the official english language version of en 1677-2:2000. the uk participation in its preparation was entrusted to technical committee mhe/1, chains and fittings, which has the responsibility to: aid enquirers to understand the text; ...
This Part of EN 1677 specifies general requirements for forged steel components of grade 8 up to 63 t WLL, mainly for use in: chain slings according to EN 818-4; steel wire rope slings according to prEN 13414-1:1999; textile slings according to EN 1492-1:2000, EN 1492-2:2000 intended...
2) Grade: G100 G80 G70 G43. 3) Materlal: Alloy Steel, Carbon Steel, EN1677 Materlal. 4) Surface :Powder Coated,Painted,Zinc,HDG. 5) Process:Froged,Qunenched and Tempered. 6) Specification:6MM 7/8MM 10MM 13MM 16MM 18/20MM 22MM 26MM 32MM. ...