DIN EN 16585-2:2022 铁路应用 PRM 使用设计 机车车辆上的设备和部件 第2部分:坐、站和移动的元件 Railway applications - Design for PRM use - Equipment and components on board rolling stock - Part 2: Elements for sitting, standing and moving; German and English version prEN 16585-2:2022 ...
SS-EN 16585-2:2017 适用范围 This European Standard describes the specific ‘Design for PRM use’ requirements applying to rolling stock and the assessment of those requirements. The following applies to this standard: - the definitions and requirements describe specific aspects of ‘Design for PRM ...
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梦幻西游手游龙宫应该带什么样的宝宝?这是许多新手龙宫玩家都不太清楚的问题。为了避免新手玩家走弯路,今天就给详细解答龙宫宠物应该如何选择的问题。 梦幻西游手游的精华在于PK,不同于端游的是,手游里你的冲级路是没办法绕过PK的,而PK中的核心之一宠物应该是每个龙宫的必修课,我们,就先从PK宝宝开始说起。
UNE-EN 16585-2:2018铁路应用 PRM 使用设计 机车车辆上的设备和组件 第2部分:坐、站和移动元件 Railway applications - Design for PRM use - Equipment and components on board rolling stock - Part 2: Elements for sitting, standing and moving
铁路应用 机车车辆上 PRM 使用设备和组件的设计 第2部分:坐、站和移动的元件 草案 Draft Document - Railway applications - Design for PRM Use Equipment and Components onboard Rolling Stock - Part 2: Elements for sitting, standing and moving; German version prEN 16585-2:2013...
SS-EN 16585-2:2017 发布单位 SIS 当前最新 SS-EN 16585-2:2017 购买 正式版 This European Standard describes the specific ‘Design for PRM use’ requirements applying to rolling stock and the assessment of those requirements. The following applies to this st...SS-EN 16585-2:2017相似标准分析...