The standardEN ISO374-1: 2017that defines the performance requirements forchemical resistant gloves gives the performance levelclassification table according to the materials’NBT:防化学手套性能要求的标准EN ISO374-1:2017根据材料的 NBT 给出了性能等级分类表: ...
EN 16523-1 chemical permeation testing of gloves.
Protective gloves against dangerous chemicals and micro-organisms - Part 1: Terminology and performance requirements for chemical risks (ISO 374-1:2016); German version EN ISO 374-1:2016 作废 DIN EN ISO 374-1:2017 发布历史 DIN EN ISO 374-1:2017由德国标准化学会 DE-DIN 发布于 2017-03。
EN 374-3: 2003Protective gloves against chemicals and micro-organisms -Part 3 Determination of resistance to permeation by chemicals SUPERSEDED, WITHDRAWN Substituted by EN 16523-1:2015 针对化学品和微生物的防护手套-第3部分:耐化学品渗透性的测定,被EN 16523-1所取代 EN 16523-1:2015Determination of ...
89/686/EWG-1989 EN 16523-1:2015 EN 374-2:2014 EN 374-4:2013 EN 420+A1:2009 被代替标准 FprEN ISO 374-1:2016 适用范围 ISO 374 的这一部分规定了旨在保护用户免受危险化学品侵害的防护手套的要求,并定义了要使用的术语。注:如果需要解决其他保护功能,例如B.机械风险、热风险、静电放电等,必须...
防危险化学品和微生物的防护手套.第1部分:化学风险的术语和性能要求(ISO 374-1-2016);德文版本EN ISO 374-1-2016, Protective gloves against dangerous chemicals and micro-organisms - Part 1: Terminology
EN 16523-1:2015 Determination of material resistance to permeation by chemicals. Part 1: Permeation by liquid chemical under conditions of continuous contact 测定材料对化学品渗透的抵抗力,第1部分,连续接触条件下液体化学品的渗透 EN 374-4: 2013 Protective gloves against chemicals and micro-organisms -...
EN 511:2006 Protective Gloves against Cold 防寒手套 EN 388 Clause 6.1耐摩擦性(洗前+多次洗后)Abrasion Resistance(As received + after cleaning cycles) EN 388 Clause 6.4耐撕裂性(洗前+多次洗后)Tear Resistance(As received + after cleaning cycles) ...
EN 16523-1:2015EN ISO 374-5:2016ASTM D6319REACH California Proposition 65 The Disopsable Nitrile Gloves have the following features:1.Improved synthetic formula of nitrile rubber to make it closer to the softness and fitness of natural latex.2.Increased toughness and...
ISO374是欧盟防护手套中,关于防化学品和放微生物的PPE协调标准,适用于如丁晴手套等,属于欧盟CE认证下,个人防护产品PPE法规下的协调标准,即PPE认证的一种。其中ISO374-1为防化学品的标准,ISO 374-5为防微生物的标准。具体标准如下: EN ISO 374-1 Protective gloves against dangerous chemicals andmicro-organisms...