EN 300761 V 1.1.1电磁兼容性与无线电频谱事宜(ERM) 铁路用自动车辆识别(AVI)Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM) - Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI) for railways EN 50119铁路设备 固定设施 电牵引高架连接管线Railway applications - Fixed installations - Electric traction overhea...
Marking of tank wagons for the carriage of dangerous goods EN 12561-2-2002 铁路用罐车 第2部分:含蒸汽回流的液体产品用罐底排空装置Railway applications - Tank wagons - Part 2: Bottom emptying devices for liquid products including vapour return EN 12561-3-2002 铁路用油罐车 第3部分:加压液化气体用...
ng Bin, ISO/EXCHANGE CHINA STANDARDS, 19/10/2010 03:25, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSIEN 50215:2009 2 Foreword This European Standard was prepared by SC 9XB, Electromechanical material on board rolling stock, of Technical Committee CENELEC TC 9X, Electrical and electronic applications for railways...