SS-EN 13617-1:2021 被代替标准SS-EN 13617-1:2012 适用范围 此文件适用于在液体燃料加注站安装的计量泵、分配器和远程泵送单元,设计用于向汽车、船只和轻型飞机的油箱以及便携容器内输送易燃液体燃料,流速最高为200 l·min-1,并且旨在环境温度在-20 °C至+40 °C之间使用和存储。此文件处理了计量泵、分配...
SS-EN 13617-2:2021发布单位 SIS当前最新SS-EN 13617-2:2021 被代替标准SS-EN 13617-2:2012 适用范围 This document specifies safety requirements for the construction and performance of safe breaks to be fitted to metering pumps and dispensers installed at filling stations and used to dispense liquid...
SS-EN 13617-2:2021 发布单位 SIS 当前最新 SS-EN 13617-2:2021 被代替标准 SS-EN 13617-2:2012 购买 正式版 This document specifies safety requirements for the construction and performance of safe breaks to be fitted to metering pumps and dispensers installed at filling stations and used...SS...