SS-EN 13232-6:2023 当前最新SS-EN 13232-6:2023 适用范围 The scope of this European Standard is to: -- establish a working terminology for fixed crossings and their constituent parts, and identify the main types; -- specify the different and varying ways by which crossings can be described ...
格式:PDF 页数:32 大小:493.64KB《DIN EN 13232-6-2012 Railway applications - Track - Switches and crossings - Part 6 Fixed common and obtuse crossings German version EN 13232-6 2005+A1 2011《轨道交通 轨道 道岔 第6部分 固定常见钝道岔 .pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《DIN EN 13232-6-20...
DIN EN 13232-6:2012-01
【正版授权-英语版】 ISO 13232-1:1996 EN Motorcycles - Test and analysis procedures for research evaluation of rider crash protective devices fitted to motorcycles - Part 1: Definitions,symbols 上传人:中国标准出版社 IP属地:四川上传时间:2024-07-05格式:PDF积分:541...
13232-3:2003 Railwayapplications— Track—Switchesand crossings— Part3:Requirementsforwheel/rail interaction TheEuropeanStandardEN13232-3:2003hasthestatusofa BritishStandard ICS45.080 12&23<,1*:,7+287%6,3(50,66,21(;&(37$63(50,77('%<&23<5,*+7/$: ...
ISO13232是一个国际标准,其规定了用于评估摩托车上安装的骑乘者防护装置性能的测试和分析程序。其中,ISO13232-7是关于摩托车碰撞测试计算机模拟的标准程序。 具体内容如下: 1.模拟软件的选择和准备:根据测试需求选择合适的模拟软件,并确保软件配置和参数设置符合标准要求。 2.模拟模型的建立:根据实际摩托车和骑乘者模型...
DIN EN 13232-6:2012轨道交通.轨道.道岔.第6部分:固定常见钝道岔.德文版 EN 13232-6-2005+A1-2011 Railway applications - Track - Switches and crossings - Part 6: Fixed common and obtuse crossings; German version EN 13232-6:2005+A1:2011 被代替...
BS EN 13232-6:2005+A1:2011
Draft Document - Railway applications - Track - Switches and crossings - Part 9: Layouts; German version EN 13232-9:2006/FprA1:2011doi:DIN EN 13232-9/A1-DRAFT
en 13232-1:2003,railway applications - track - switches and crossings, performance and acceptance - part 1: definitions. en 13481-1:2002,railway applications - track - performance requirements for fastening systems part 1: definitions. en 13481-2:2002,railway applications - track - performance ...