标准名称:水钢管锅炉和辅助装置 第7部分:锅炉配备要求 适用范围:此标准规定了水钢管锅炉的配备要求,包括安全装置、加热系统、排渣设施、烟气净化设备等,并对蒸汽和热水发生器提出了额外的要求。该标准适用于欧洲市场。 EN 12952-7:2002是由CEN/TC 269“大型水舱和水钢管锅炉”工作组制定的,由DIN德国标准化协会负责...
DIN EN 12952-7E设备要求
交叉参考: EN 837-1:1996 EN 12952-1:2001 prEN 12952-6:2008 EN 12952-8:2002 EN 12952-9:2002 EN 12952-10:2002 EN 12952-11:2007 EN 12952-12: 2003 EN 12952-13:2003 EN 12952-14:2004 EN 12952-16:2002 EN 50156-1:2004 97/23/EC EN 809:1998 EN 1151-1:2006 EN 12952-5:2001 CEN...
Publication Year 2002 Document Status Withdrawn Newer versions Publisher Information British Standards Institution With over 100 years of experience the British Standards Institute is recognised as the UK’s National standards body. Their committees work with the manufacturing and service industries, governmen...
Document Status Current Abstract Gives requirements for equipment for steam boilers and hot water generators. Document History Supersedes BS EN 12952-7:2002. ISBN 9780580676451 Publisher Information British Standards Institution With over 100 years of experience the British Standards Institute is recognised ...
BS EN 50091-1-1-1997 Uninterruptible power systems (UPS)-Part 1-1...BS EN 50078-1994 Torches and guns for arc welding BS EN 471-2003 High-visibility warning clothing for professional use-Test... BS EN 45004-1995 General criteria for the operation of various...BS EN 394-1994 Life...
EN ISO 12952-2:评估床上用品的可燃性 ④窗帘EN标准 EN 13772: 测量用于窗帘和窗帘的垂直定向纺织面料在大点火火焰下的扩散 7. 特殊纺织品:个人防护装备(PPE) 法规 适用产品: 防水裤 防火服 高能见度服装 防护手套 耳套 8. PPE对卖家的要求 以下是个人防护装备产品进口商或制造商在将其产品放入欧盟之前应遵...
百度爱采购为您找到24家最新的en 12952集箱拼接产品的详细参数、实时报价、行情走势、优质商品批发/供应信息,您还可以免费查询、发布询价信息等。
Draft Document - Welded steel tubes for pressure purposes - Technical delivery conditions - Part 7: Stainless steel tubes; German version prEN 10217-7:2009 英译:DIN-EN-10216英译:DIN-EN-10216英译:DIN-2004英译:DIN-10216英译:DIN-EN-10216英译:DIN-2004英译:翻译:2005-04DIN EN 10217-2英文翻...
Requirements for application design and installation 交叉引用:EN 12952-7:2002EN 12952-8:2002EN 12952-9:2002EN 12952-16:2002EN 12953-6:2011EN 12953-7:2002EN 12953-12:2003EN 55011:2009EN 55011:2009+A1:2010ISPR ... 被引量: 0发表: 2012年...