镍释放 作业指导书 EN 12471 下载积分: 900 内容提示: 第1 页 4 操作程序 4.1 应用范围 本操作规范适用于镍释放筛选测试。 4.2 操作步骤 4.2.1 取样 本方法用来测试与皮肤长期接触的表面。 4.2.2 清洁 在测试之前 需要用蘸取了乙醇的棉签对接受测试的表面进行清洁处理。为了防止污染 测试人员应先洗干净手 ...
EN 12471 镍释放 EN 1811:2011+AC:2015 (without coating items) Reference test method for release of nickel from all post assemblies which are inserted into pierced parts of the human body and articles intended to come into direct and prolonged contact with the skin拟直接和长期与皮肤接触的物品和...
This document (CR 12471:2002) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 283 "Precious metals - Applications in jewellery and associated products", the secretariat of which is held by UNI.cious metals - CR 12471:2002 (E) 4 Introduction This document has been developed as a simple, quic...
EN 12471 Screening test for the presence of nickel in articles which are inserted into pierced parts of the human body and articles intended to come into direct and prolonged contact with the skin筛选测试插入人体刺穿部位的物品以及打算直接长期接触皮肤的物品中是否存在镍 EN 12472 Method for the ...
引用标准 CEN/CR 12471 EN 12472 EN 14682 EN 16128 EN 1811 EN 71-1 ISO 105-A02 ISO 105-B02 ISO 11380 ISO 11381 ISO 13485 ISO 14971 ISO 3160-1:1998 ISO 3696 ISO 7998 ISO 8596 ISO 8624:2011 ISO/TS 24348:2014 被代替标准 BS EN ISO 12870:2012 BS EN ISO 12870:2014 购买 正式版BS...
当前最新 BS EN 16128:2015 引用标准 1907/2006/EC552/2009/ECCR 12471EN 12472EN 1811EN ISO 11380EN ISO 11885EN ISO 12870EN ISO 17294-2EN ISO 3696EN ISO 536ISO 11380ISO 11885ISO 12870ISO 17294-2ISO 3696ISO 536 被代替标准 BS EN 16128:2011BS PD CEN/TS 16677:2014 ...
7.EN16128-2015眼镜中镍释放量检测方法 EN 12472:2020对就标准有什么变化 EN 1811“人体穿刺部位和与皮肤直接和长期接触的物品中镍释放的参考测试方法” EN 16128“眼科光学—眼镜架和太阳镜中镍释放的参考测试方法” 声明CR 12471可用作获取镍释放范围或镍存在的指示性信息的方法...
12471 of 18 June 1988 for the implementation of the Law on the prevention of AIDS. In 1988 the President of the Republic of Korea (ROK) decreed an AIDS prevention law (No. 12471). The Committee on AIDS advises the Minister of Health and ... N Korea,R Of - 《International Digest of...
EN 12471 Screening test for the presence of nickel in articles which are inserted into pierced parts of the human body and articles intended to come into direct and prolonged contact with the skin筛选测试插入人体刺穿部位的物品以及打算直接长期接触皮肤的物品中是否存在镍 ...