BS EN 12201-4-2024 下载积分: 800 内容提示: BSI Standards PublicationPlastics piping systems for water supply, and for drains and sewers under pressure — Polyethylene (PE)Part 4: Valves for water supply systemsBS EN 12201‑4:2024 文档格式:PDF | 页数:32 | 浏览次数:9 | 上传日期:2024-11...
《en 12201_3_2016 plastics piping systems for water supply-polyethylene(PE)-part 3_fittings》.pdf,BRITISH STANDARD BS EN 12201-3:2003 Plastics piping systems for water supply — - - ` , ` ` ` ` , ``` Polyethylene (PE) — , ` , ` , ` ` ` ` , , , ` ` , , `
EN 12201-1_2003(E)供水用塑料管道系统 聚乙烯(PE) 第1部分 总则_CMA-(BS EN 12201-1_2003中含) 热度: BS EN 12201-2-2003 Plastics piping systems for water supply-Polyethylene (PE)-Part 2 Pipes 热度: CEN TS 12201-7-2018 给水用塑料管道设备.聚乙烯(PE).合格评定指南.pdf ...
BS EN 12201-4-2012 供水和压力下排水和排污用塑料管道系统.聚乙烯(PE).第4部分:阀门.pdf,本规范为EN欧洲标准规范,欧洲标准的性质为成员国的国家标准与EN标准一致,有英文版和德文版两个版本,包含内容一致,其标准的内容涉及广泛,其技术领域涉及信息技术、交通运输、农
内容提示: BSI Standards PublicationPlastics piping systems forwater supply, and fordrainage and sewerage underpressure — Polyethylene (PE)Part 2: PipesBS EN 12201-2:2011+A1:2013Incorporating corrigendum January 2012 文档格式:PDF | 页数:33 | 浏览次数:142 | 上传日期:2019-05-12 15:16:41 | ...
(da) Bestilt af Jane Thygesen til Cowi DS/EN 12201-1:2003 Nationalt anneks (NA) (informativt) Maximum design stress values Maximum design stress values for service (design) coefficient C = 1,25 for PE 100 and C = 1,60 for PE 63 and 80 are given in table NA.1. Table NA.1 – ...
BS_EN_12201-1 BRITISHSTANDARD BSEN 12201-1:2003 Plasticspipingsystems forwatersupply— Polyethylene(PE)— Part1:General TheEuropeanStandardEN12201-1:2003hasthestatusofa BritishStandard ICS23.040.01;91.140.60 12&23<,1*:,7+287%6,3(50,66,21(;&(37$63(50,77('%<&23<5,*+7/$: L i c...
Licensed Copy: Institute Of Technology Tallaght, Institute of Technology, Mon Aug 06 10:00:00 GMT+00:00 2007, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI BRITISH STANDARD BS EN 12201-2:2003 Plastics piping systems for water supply — Polyethylene (PE) — Part 2: Pipes The European Standard EN 12201-2:...
欧洲管道标准(ENpipestandards)(很全!)欧洲管道标准(EN pipe standards)ANSI| BS| DIN| EN| GB| ISO| JIS| NF| DIC
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