Obst’s pond turtle–(Emys orbicularis fritzjuergenobstii) Sardinian pond turtle–(Emys orbicularis capolongoi) Spanish pond turtle–(Emys orbicularis hispanica) Suedkaspi pond turtle–(Emys orbicularis orientalis) Western Turkey pond turtle–(Emys orbicularis hellenica) European pond turtle(Emys orbicular...
A population of Emys orbicularis hellenica (Valenciennes, 1832) from the coastal pond of Pantanagianni was studied for two years using capture‐mark recapture methods; 57.1% of specimens were females, 32.1% males, and 10.8% immature. For every specimen captured, a series of biometric parameters ...
o. /icf.i hellenica/i in coastal areas of the Aegean region and iEmys orbicularis luteofusca/i, from Eregli (Konya) in Central Anatolia. The Boget specimens also differentiate statistically from those in Mogan (about 180 km north of Boget) and Kayseri (about 230 km east of Boget)....
o. hellenica, also has a narrower carapace than those of the other groups. The presence of E. orbicularis in Eber, Sula and Eirdir lakes of the Lakes District, also at Karapinar, Pazaraac and Samanda are first records.Dinçer Ayaz...
Along the Adriatic coast of Italy and on the Salentine Peninsula (Apulia, southern Italy), another morphologically distinctive subspecies ( Emys orbicularis hellenica ) occurs, which also bears a different mtDNA lineage. A higher diversity of mtDNA haplotypes in the south of the Apennine Peninsula ...
o. hellenica and E. trinacris . Our results suggest that E. orbicularis has been present in North Africa longer than on the Iberian Peninsula and that after an initial invasion of North Africa by pond turtles from an unknown European source region, there was a phase of diversification in ...
D'Angelo S., Arculeo M., Cheylan M., Corti C., Lo Valvo M., Marrone F., Wink M., Fritz U., 2015 - Differences in gene flow in a twofold secondary contact zone of pond turtles in southern Italy (Testudines: Emydidae: Emys orbicularis galloitalica, E. o. hellenica, E. trinacris...
D'Angelo S , Arculeo M , Cheylan M , Corti C , Lo Valvo M , Marrone F , Wink M , Fritz U ( 2015 ) Differences in gene flow in a twofold secondary contact zone of pond turtles in southern Italy (Testudines: Emydidae: Emys orbicularis galloitalica, E. o. hellenica, E...