这个老版本的libc++_shared.so是会暴露这个__emutls_get_address的符号的。由于老版本的库没有带符号,因此不能用nm命令查看,但是我们可以用readelf查看: $ readelf -s libc++_shared.so | grep __emutls_get_address 2110: 000846a0 316 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 __emutls_get_address 可以发现,这个符号的可见...
今天给termux安装mariadb时,执行mysql_install_db出现了这个报错。大概判断是mariadb的依赖出现问题,大概是版本过旧。 网上查找__emutls_get_address发现是libc的库,使用apt search libc发现有一个libc++的包,执行 apt install libc++ 然后再执行 mysql_install_db 就没有提示错误,使用mysql工具mysql -u xxx可以正常...
It seems it requires __emutls_get_address function to be defined, and although it's usually provided by libc++_shared.so, it does not seem to be the case when using NDK 24 on an Apple M1 CPU. System: OS: macOS 12.6 CPU: (8) arm64 Apple M...
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dlopen failed: cannot locate symbol "__emutls_get_address" referenced by "/data/app/~~KG2XHm4tjtHU2n-uUaHmAw==/com.awesomeproject-K6QII1ku6H_ZWb6oUOEsxw==/lib/arm64/libreact_render_telemetry.so"... at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(Runtime.java:1087) at...
I'm writing a ray tracer using SYCL and I've found using Intel VTune that `__opencl_emutls_get_address` takes a significant amount of CPU/GPU time (around 25%). The function is called (under the hood) by various functions of my code. All the function listed above are hand wr...
测试配置部自己配置了编译环境,用SVN上的代码编译出来的APK,出现了这样一个错误 java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dlopen failed: cannot locate symbol "__emutls_get_address" referenced by "/data/app/com.xxx.xxx-1/lib/arm64/libmwnet.so"...
Hi, I managed to reduce the overhead of __opencl_emutls_get_address by removing the SYCL_EXTERNAL attribute from the declaration of the functions
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dlopen failed: cannot locate symbol "__emutls_get_address" referenced by "/data/app/~~Q1vjL-Sbogpgp23q4KuiUA==/com.vastmindz-2Qq1zN8YfrsoxWIi-B5xZQ==/base.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a/libfolly_runtime.so"... ...
__emutls_get_address should be baked into the library when it is built, but that appears to not have happened. I'm guessing the error here was by cmake rather than user error. I'll try to come up with a test case, but if you have a minimized case you could provide that would ...