"emummc is forced but not enabled" 错误信息通常出现在使用Nintendo Switch的自制系统(如Atmosphere)并尝试启动虚拟系统(emuMMC)时。这个错误意味着系统尝试强制使用emuMMC但未能成功启动,因为emuMMC未启用或未正确配置。 可能导致该问题的原因 emuMMC文件损坏或丢失:如果emuMMC的镜像文件损坏或被删除,系统将无法加载虚拟系...
恢复boot0,1教程:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Eo4y1Q7Hd/ Q:emuMMC is forced but not enabled! Failed to launch HOS! A:没有制作虚拟系统点了FSS0的虚拟系统进入,解决办法,点大气层真实破解\大气层单系统,或去emummc选项-CREATED EMUMMC-SD FILE制作一个 Q:Failed to APPle emummc! Failed to l...
but i cannot pass the logo screen. I used the gui version, and enable mariko but had 17.0.1 as firmware downloaded (didnt dump from the target switch) Author ghost commented Jan 26, 2024 i rebuilded my nand now once more following the lv2 guide from sthetix, and i can still not ...
Then you don’t need to enable sigpatches. Those are for installing games and such. Author xgorinx commented Dec 11, 2019 I found it. In the bootloader folder, the hekate_ipl.ini config file said {--- Custom Firmware ---} [CFW (SYSNAND)] emummc_force_disable=1 fss0=atmosphere/fus...
I updated my EmuMMC to 10.0.4 and I get the error in the title when I try to boot into it. My Atmosphere is 0.13.0 and my Hekate is 5.3.0 I've tried deleting /atmosphere, /sept, and /bootloader and starting with a clean Atmosphere and He...