3. Due to main toolbar changes (mainly IRC removed) :clean install is recommended, or at least remove of the line containing ToolbarSetting from preferences.ini before using SharkX v2.0 for the 1’st time. 以下是更新內容: SharkX v2.0 Based on eMuleFuture v1.1 [0.50a] remove IRC remove...
Emule.it-LapiùcompletaguidainitalianoadEmule GuidaadeMule Sietein:Nick ConfigurazioneconWizard Unavoltalanciatol'installer,e'possibileselezionarelalinguaeinqualepartedell'HDinstallareeMule.Allafine,e'anche possibiledecideredilanciareilprogramma. All'inizio,bisognaovviamenteconfigurarlobene,oleprestazioninonsaran...
3. Due to main toolbar changes (mainly IRC removed) :clean install is recommended, or at least remove of the line containing ToolbarSetting from preferences.ini before using SharkX v2.0 for the 1’st time. 以下是更新内容: SharkX v2.0 Based on eMuleFuture v1.1 [0.50a] remove IRC remove...