首先建文件夹,用来存放配置文件和游戏文件 mkdir-p/root/emulatorjs/config&&mkdir/root/emulatorjs/data 之后运行启动命令,DockerHub地址:https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/emulatorjs,在此感谢为EmulatorJs项目和RetroArch项目做出贡献的人们 docker run-d--name emulatorjs-ePUID=1000-ePGID=1000-eTZ=Asia/...
🔺进入到这个页面点击“Add All Roms to Config”将游戏Rom添加到游戏列表,至此EmulatorJs的配置基本完成。EmulatorJs体验 🔺这个时候我们就可以打开游戏页面(也就是部署时候80对应的端口号),可以看到它的界面还是非常炫酷的,因为我选择的是gba游戏类型,它直接套用了GAME BOY游戏机的图像,并且直接内置超级玛丽...
EmulatorJs有自己的Demo可供体验,如果那边正好有现成的游戏Rom,部署之前可以先行体验下: 传送门:https://demo.emulatorjs.org/ EmulatorJs部署 🔺xian打开NAS的文件管理器,在 docker 目录中(威联通默认为Container文件夹),创建一个新文件夹【emulatorjs】,然后在 emulatorjs文件夹中再分别新建两个子文件夹【data】...
进入到这个页面点击“Add All Roms to Config”将游戏Rom添加到游戏列表,至此EmulatorJs的配置基本完成。 EmulatorJs体验 这个时候我们就可以打开游戏页面(也就是部署时候80对应的端口号),可以看到它的界面还是非常炫酷的,因为我选择的是gba游戏类型,它直接套用了GAME BOY游戏机的图像,并且直接内置超级玛丽游戏,情怀满满...
Once added to the metadata this art will be downloaded and config setup just as you do locally for users scanning in their own roms. Development Simply run ./setup_dev.sh and use node or nodemon to start the application with nodemon index.js. You will need a local IPFS node running to...
The first thing you will need to do is click to download the default art/configs from this interface, this will setup a skeleton directory in your/datamount. From there add roms to the respectiveromsdirectories and follow the on screen instructions to add them to your web frontend running on...
And thats all! Now You can runnesroms in browser. Checkout codesandboxdemowith this code. 📎 using locally installed cores The most important option isEJS_pathtodata. This path points to emulatorjs's binaries. And the best performance option is keep them close as possible, on Your sever....
By using this emulator, you acknowledge and agree that you will only use ROMs you have the right to access and use. This ensures you stay in compliance with copyright laws. 🔧 Resources Used: jsnes: An open-source NES emulator written in JavaScript, allowing for smooth gameplay on modern...
Modularized EmulatorJS. Fixed WHLoader hdf roms. Added support for File objects (Thanks to @pastisme). 4.0.12 View Tree Fix scroll bar css (Thanks to @allancoding) Flip the context menu instead of going off the page Add hooks for save files (Thanks to @gantoine) Add class for each vi...
首先建文件夹,用来存放配置文件和游戏文件 mkdir-p/root/emulatorjs/config&&mkdir/root/emulatorjs/data 之后运行启动命令,DockerHub地址:https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/emulatorjs,在此感谢为EmulatorJs项目和RetroArch项目做出贡献的人们 docker run-d--name emulatorjs-ePUID=1000-ePGID=1000-eTZ=Asia/...