The density of PCNA immunoreactive cells was less in the telencephalon of the emu compared to the common ostrich. Substantial numbers of PCNA immunoreactive cells were observed in the diencephalon and brainstem, but DCX immunoreactivity was weaker in these regions, preferentially staining axons and ...
South Africa is the main provider of ostrich meat in the world market, but it is not a popular meat within that country. Only young stock up to 15 months of age are slaughtered for meat export, and in general breeding stock are not sent to the abattoirs. The birds are often penned ...
Compared with control cultures, CK was elevated more with exposure to emu BMP and was more elevated with greater statistical significance than with bovine and ostrich BMP before day 5. These higher levels remained until day 14 (p < 0.05). The results of this study suggest that both bovine ...
Recent results from a study of alternative red meats by The University of Wisconsin-Madison confirm early reports, finding emu lower in fat and higher in protein and other nutrients -- when compared with bison, venison, elk and ostrich. ...
Duodenum and Ileum have more similar microbiome metabolic functions compared to that of the jejunum. The 4 emus sampled were more uniform in the distribution of Ceca OTUs and more diverse in small intestine OTUs (Supplemental Fig.S1). Similarly, individual differences of microbiome functions in ceca...
The head of ostrich sperm has also been described as being smooth compared with the rest of the cell [12,14]. Although the tip of the emu sperm head appears relatively pointed on light microscopy [16], SEM demonstrated that it was blunt, particularly in comparison with that of the ostrich...
These differences are due to the fact that the research was carried out on geese of various breeds and ages. This also explains the apparent differences in SFA and MUFA content compared to our own research, in particular to 1-year and 3-year emus (Tables 4 and 5). Additionally, it ...
Emu is a large bird that can reach up to height of 190 cm that is to say just above 4 feet man. Female emus are relatively greater in size slightly as compared to the males. As against the ostrich (with two toes) emus have three toes with long neck and legs. The size of their ...
• Emu has a long neck compared to cassowary. • Cassowary has keratinized black feathers covering its body, whereas emu has soft brown plumage with white patches. • Emu is native to Australian mainland, but cassowaries range in Australia and associated islands....
This study evaluates the eating quality of emu, as compared with beef and veal using both dry heat and moist heat cooking methods. The cuts of meat used for the dry heat cooking method were: (1) emu full rump, (2) beef round tip roast. Both were cooked at 325掳 F to an internal ...