Back in the late ’80s, a Japanese studio called Mitchell Corporation – which had previously cut its teeth on motorcycle fighting game (Mad Motor) and a risque casino title (Poker Ladies) – decided to have a go at another increasingly popular genre: the action-puzzler. Originally made for...
Microprose Soccer (Release 2 - 48k), Mig-29 Soviet Fighter, Mig-29 Soviet Fighter (Erbe), Mission Jupiter, Monte Carlo Casino, Moon Buggy (Visions Software), Moonbuggy (Anirog), Moto Cross Simulator, Mountain Bike Simulator, Murray Mouse Super Cop, Ninja Massacre, Nonamed (English), Nonam...
A few fans have requested the Casino elements in the Beginner course, I don't really know why I changed them (I love SegaSaturn). That's done ! Same thing for the dice... I'll still apply the SegaSaturn & Rubik's Cube textures on the "Daytona USA Saturn Adds" rom. ...
- 04690: [Documentation] ep_beavr and clone: The correct description is "Casino Beaver Las Vegas! (Global) (EPOCH, set 1)". - 04685: [DIP/Input] yosakdon, yosakdona: Unable to control players (Tafoid) - 04675: [DIP/Input] steeltal and clones: Control Issues and Resets (Phil Benne...