assemblyemu8086emu80868086-emulator UpdatedMar 11, 2021 Assembly Cleans up a directory of rom files and deletes broken [b*] and overdump [o*] files (and more...) gogolangfilesystemcleaneremu UpdatedOct 8, 2017 Go My little RnD of nSCUMM project. ...
PCem v0.4is released.PCemis an emulator for old XT/AT-class PCs. PCememulates : - IBM 5150 PC - IBM 5160 XT - Tandy 1000 - Generic XT clone - Schneider EuroPC - Amstrad PC1512 - Sinclair PC200 - Amstrad PC1640 - IBM AT - AMI 286 clone - AMI 386 clone - AMI 486 clone with ...
IBM PC XT (5160) emulator The emulatoris loaded by adding boot=8086/ibm&boot_name=xt URL parameter to the generic emulator URL. Uses only original software, no specialized ROMs. Start byoncommand with optional parameter (true|false) to execute BIOS tests during boot (default true). ...