Thus, PC1, a harbinger of the transition to the mesenchymal state, is predictive of poor vs good outcome in a number of observed clinical scenarios. These PC1 anti-correlated signatures shed further light on the biology of colon cancer. Our data also support the concept that the mesenchymal ...
scenarios to evaluate in a multiple-choice format, just like the actual test. This recommended study aid contains more than 300 must-study questions that cover all official test categories found on the EMT-Basic exam, including Airway and Breathing, Cardiology, Medical, Obstetrics and Pediatrics, ...
I saw zero similarities in wording and scenarios between the actual exam and the practice ones I had been practicing here. The difference this product made was enabling me to critically think through the real NREMT questions. What this product excels in is highlighting which areas and topics ...
We are in the process of investigating possible different scenarios, namely whether miR-151a targets a negative regulator of Slug, resulting in the increase in Slug expression. An alternative explanation could be aligned with a previously reported finding by Onder et al.,23 demonstrating that E-...