而新建成的EmSphere坐落于沿曼谷素坤逸路高架Phrom Phrong BTS站的EM区。PART.01 EM ARCHITECTURE EmSphere是The Mall集团的一个大胆新愿景,许多人将其称为“零售业的未来”,它将创新的餐饮和娱乐概念与奢侈品牌融为一体。面积足有193000平方米的EmSphere专注于小规模的租户,从食品到特色商品,以展览形式组织...
2023年12月1日,泰国高端精品购物中心EM Sphere正式开业,曼谷三大商圈之一的EM贵妇商圈的最后一块拼图也终于补齐。EM贵妇商圈的背后是曼谷的商业巨头The Mall集团,目前正在建设中的东南亚最大购物者中心Bangkok Mall也是该集团开发建造的。Emsphere的开发成本达200亿泰铢,总面积达20万平方米,横跨六层楼,拥有两栋相连...
Bangkok by Night: Temples, Markets and Food Tuk-Tuk Tour 1,806 Recommended Night Tours from $77.77 per adult (price varies by group size) BEST SELLER Half-Day Railway Market and Floating Market Tour in Thailand 2,020 Rail Tours from $30.50 per adult (price varies by group size) BEST ...
Experience the thrill at Raze Arcade, an Classic timeless “old new york” uptown-slash-European feeling of elegance inspired bar at Emsphere, Bangkok.
📍 地址:628 Sukhumvit Rd, Khlong Tan, Khlong Toei, Bangkok, Thailand, 10110 🕒 营业时间:每天10:00-22:00曼谷最新开业的大型购物中心Emsphere,自12月起成为购物新地标。开业当天,众多娱乐圈明星齐聚一堂,为这个超过20万平方米的未来生活方式的商场助阵。这里不仅是购物天堂,更是泰国第一家市区宜家,为市民...
EMSPHERE是曼谷新晋的顶流商场,将最新趋势、沉浸式体验和未来主义生活方式完美结合。这里汇集了超过300家门店和近千个品牌,包括各类米其林星级餐厅、流量小吃和知名饮品。🏠地址:564 Sukhumvit Rd, Khlong Tan, Khlong Toei, Bangkok 10110EMSPHERE的内部结构大面积保留了工业风和水泥风的原始感,结合建筑内部的声光电...
Emsphere, unveiled on December 1st under the theme "CALLING THE WORLD," is positioned as a world-class mega multi-faceted development project in the heart of Bangkok. Ms. Supaluck invites the world to experience Bangkok in a way that transcends conventional expectations. ...
BANGKOK, Dec. 6, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Thailand has always held a special place in the heart of global tourists, celebrated for its rich cultural heritage and natural beauty spanning the entire country. Besides the reminiscent beauty, its exciting urban landscape is also never the second best....
🎉“The Bangkok housing market near Emsphere and IKEA presented a 7.05% growth” ✨ A new opening of Emsphere and IKEA Thailandis influencing Bangkok housing market. Located in Em District, they drive up demand for both luxury residential spaces and boost more affordable and mid-range housin...
🚈交通: 1️⃣定位:628 Sukhumvit Rd, Khlong Tan, Khlong Toei, Bangkok 10110 2️⃣推荐BTS线在phrom phong站下,然后沿着6号口一直走穿过天桥就能看到 3️⃣营业时间:每天10:00--22:00 #曼谷 #emsphere #曼谷商场 #拍出电影感 #曼谷圣诞夜 @91年的小卢· 2024年12月25日91年的小卢 00:...